Написано sirivann, 05.11.2021 at 17:13
Написано Sid, 05.11.2021 at 15:58
Doesn't include Scen/RP "communities"
This is by design, none of them have mastered the base mechanics of the game sufficiently just by playing Scenarios/RP/other maps/other presets. They have a fundamentally different view on what fun is in this game I think. I'm willing to accept I might be wrong about this, but we'll see when a tournament between them and GM's gets made. If it turns out that I am wrong, I will find a way to include them.
What base mechanics do you think are only seen in world map that isnt in others let alone mastered O.o
Написано Lelouch., 05.11.2021 at 16:51
Написано Sid, 05.11.2021 at 16:15
Написано Lelouch., 05.11.2021 at 16:05
Написано Sid, 05.11.2021 at 15:58
This is my favorite argument, because i thought about this quite a bit before making this list. I didn't want this list to be "my list". I wanted it to be the communities list. If the staff chose the GMs/AMs then they likely wouldn't be accepted. Tournaments don't go to completion like 60% of the time so i didn't want to base it off of that. And I trust the GMs and AMs will only sign off on players who are skilled enough according to their definition.
Hopefully this satisfies your concerns!
You need to show some evidence of this. past tournament results are legitimate in my opinion and should be considered. Same for past seasonal trophies. Right, now, you didn't show any evidence or reasoning as to why the people on the initial list deserve to skip nominations. Otherwise, it does look like your list.
We have to start somewhere, so i added all the current competitive players with atleast 1400 elo (or had that elo very recently) that dueled or cw'd in the last 30 days. You're right that they shouldn't have skipped the nominations process, but i needed judges, if everyone could vote then it would have been trolled immediately lol. The biggest concern i had was that you guys wouldn't accept the initial AMs/GMs but it seems like mostly everyone who was chosen should be there. If you want proof about the tournaments, look at the forums, it's a lot of started and not finished tournaments, which can be BS'd easily anyways. we might get like 1 AM every year if we went off of tournaments alone. You are free to use your vote/nomination to only include past tournies/seasonal trophies.
Okay, new AMs get added through nominations mainly. I'm saying, for your INITIAL list, try to use more results to back this up. I'm not saying that every new AM needs some achievements to get added. Because it is as you say. It would be like 1 AM a year. I get that. I'm just saying, be more strict for this INITIAL list. And lower the requirements once you're sure you have a good set of judges, rather than just making your initial list with a 1400 elo requirement.
And the unfinished tournament situation is only a thing right now. That was not the case a few years back. Those results are legitimate and SHOULD be considered for people skipping the line. That's all I'm saying.
Написано Khauman, 05.11.2021 at 16:18
Why so many ams, they aren't even that good.Написано Sid, 05.11.2021 at 15:58
Написано Lelouch., 05.11.2021 at 16:05
Написано Sid, 05.11.2021 at 15:58
This is my favorite argument, because i thought about this quite a bit before making this list. I didn't want this list to be "my list". I wanted it to be the communities list. If the staff chose the GMs/AMs then they likely wouldn't be accepted. Tournaments don't go to completion like 60% of the time so i didn't want to base it off of that. And I trust the GMs and AMs will only sign off on players who are skilled enough according to their definition.
Hopefully this satisfies your concerns!
You need to show some evidence of this. past tournament results are legitimate in my opinion and should be considered. Same for past seasonal trophies. Right, now, you didn't show any evidence or reasoning as to why the people on the initial list deserve to skip nominations. Otherwise, it does look like your list.
Написано Lelouch., 05.11.2021 at 11:30
My intention with this post is not to be a party pooper or to hinder any formalization of what the competitive state of this game is. I just wish to share my opinion on this system as a whole.
Other than the reason that I mentioned (formalizing the competitive state of the game) as well as trying to formalize some sort of tier list for what skill is in this game, I don't see any other reason why we need this in the game. If anyone can come up with more reasons why that are constructive for the game, please let me know.
Furthermore, this system doesn't fully succeed at doing those two things fundamentally. Atwar is a complicated game, and it is not a standardized game. There is no formal or strict definition for what 'competitive' is. You can say that it's 10k EU+ 4 min. But that's just based on majority. It's not even like all tournaments in this game use that setting anyways. Not only that, but skill in this game is multi-criteria and subjective to opinion. A person can be extremely good in a specific setting in this game, and just above average in the rest, while you can have players who excel at most settings. With that in mind, you can't come in and define what an 'Atwar Grandmaster' is in the way that this system tries to do. I mean, you're basically disregarding a big part of the community here. I know that you've implicitly narrowed the scope in the description by saying that this pertains to EU+, but the title is misleading. And even then, EU+ by itself is complicated and can be subdivided further. That's why you have Master of West, Master of East, CW tournaments, 5k, low-turn-time tournaments, etc.
Furthermore, you add to that the element of nominations, adding even more subjectivity to the matter. Any top player can in theory nominate anyone. Also, the descriptions for the titles themselves are subjective and ambiguous: "extremely skilled yet aren't quite GM level". This is a very basic explanation but, in chess, you become a grandmaster through norms, which you earn by performing well in tournaments which are exclusive to very high level players, players who are better than you on paper. You don't just beat one GM and become a GM. You have to consistently perform well in this higher skill environment. This is a more objective system. And it is detached from what the player's ELO rating is. You basically remove rating from the equation by making it fully based on results. You could have a Grandmaster title and have a below-average-rating for the players with that title. It is very hard to do this in Atwar. There are technically no 'official' regular tournaments. All tournaments are hosted by community members, sometimes once a year. And the decrease in activity has also decreased the frequency and legitimacy of these tournaments. I mean, the last Master of East started months ago and hasn't finished. The next Master of West should've already started by now.
I appreciate what this system is trying to do. It can help new players who care about improving to understand how do top players fall on a scale, and it can give them something to strive or to improve towards. But, unless this system improves somehow, people will just see this as a circle jerk.
Написано Hibiki Verniy, 05.11.2021 at 03:11
ScenComp Drama aside, I wonder how many of those AMs will underperform assuming the map goes from EU+ to Asia/Africa/or any other preset.
Написано Tribune Aquila, 03.11.2021 at 15:57
There needs to be Competitive "Beta" Grandmasters, scenario Grandmasters, and RP Grandmasters, each with their own nomination process
Написано Froyer, 03.11.2021 at 06:54
Brutal should be Grandmaster, 1700+ elo peak and carried hellenism to 1100+ elo this season.
Написано JUGERS2, 03.11.2021 at 06:33
Написано Sid, 03.11.2021 at 06:31
Написано JUGERS2, 03.11.2021 at 06:23
Написано The Panda Jew, 03.11.2021 at 06:20
What about those of us that cw but don't duel?
Doesn't really matter friend... don't even bother finding logic behind this. Many nomited because of 1 duel/cw played last 30 days, others nominated for 0.9, -30 or-200 elo while the best one of all is the grandmaster cc.
I have to set a "limit" on activeness somewhere, and 30 days seemed the most appropriate. Even if the players don't currently have the elo requirement, they held it for a decent period of time before or just recently (within 2 days) went below it. CC for instance had over 1600 elo for a large portion of time and he is arguably one of the best people you could have in a CW right next to WD.
" Opinions are like butholes, everyone has one"
~popular quote
Написано JUGERS2, 03.11.2021 at 06:23
Написано The Panda Jew, 03.11.2021 at 06:20
What about those of us that cw but don't duel?
Doesn't really matter friend... don't even bother finding logic behind this. Many nomited because of 1 duel/cw played last 30 days, others nominated for 0.9, -30 or-200 elo while the best one of all is the grandmaster cc.
Написано The Panda Jew, 03.11.2021 at 06:20
What about those of us that cw but don't duel?
Написано Ivan., 03.11.2021 at 04:04
Написано Sid, 03.11.2021 at 03:58
Написано Ivan., 03.11.2021 at 03:55
Well it's just prediction from you and nothing else, unless they play they does not qualify for other preset.
We see a lot of competitive players going into scenarios, or other maps and they typically decimate everyone in them after a little practice. You don't see the reverse happen in more than 1-2 special cases. If that is the case though then they should only need minor practice to master Eu+ and get a title through my requirements. I picked Eu+ because it's the most known and played.
Come on Sid be real unless they don't play they don't qualify, it's something for later when they start playing it and 98% of player won't even play other preset, I'm not talking about scenarios but the preset available of world map till now.
Написано Ivan., 03.11.2021 at 03:55
Well it's just prediction from you and nothing else, unless they play they does not qualify for other preset.
Написано Ivan., 03.11.2021 at 03:51
Написано Sid, 03.11.2021 at 03:48
Написано Ivan., 03.11.2021 at 03:46
Kindly correct the name " Master/Grand of eu+" only.
98% of players you mention only plays eu+.
So by saying it's an insult to the players who actually play in all areas.
Don't limitize the scope.
You pretty much have to play duels and cws to become the best in the game. I limited the scope because the scope defines the objective. Dueling and CWing is an somewhat objective measure, everything else is hard to measure imo. You are free to create a list of Scenario Grand Masters
I never said something related to scen, all I'm saying rename it to eu+ and there is a reason 99.9% people
here only plays on eu+ and nothing else and if they play any other preset I'm sure 80% of Master players you mention won't even qualify.
Написано Ivan., 03.11.2021 at 03:46
Kindly correct the name " Master/Grand of eu+" only.
98% of players you mention only plays eu+.
So by saying it's an insult to the players who actually play in all areas.
Don't limitize the scope.
Написано Full House, 02.11.2021 at 11:37
I think last year (might be 2 or 3 years actually) ago there was a halloween specific atwar theme durin halloween weekend which was pretty fire if i dare say so. Since we have same AW theme for most of the year I appreciated sth different to spice things up a little. This year we didnt had any special theme i think.
Don´t @ me !
Написано Ovuvuevue Osas, 01.11.2021 at 01:23
I forgot my game link![]()
Name: TankiOnlineen
Написано carterissad, 31.10.2021 at 20:05
Okay protocoins pleasseeeeee
Написано Paper Mario, 31.10.2021 at 17:58
K https://es.atwar-game.com/games/?link=1337601984
Написано Your Laki, 31.10.2021 at 07:26
This is all I got buddy
game might be same as huarckeds