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Написано Conscious Huarck, 31.10.2021 at 04:42



ProtoCoins delivered, congrats!
31.10.2021 в USA?
Написано Dave, 29.10.2021 at 18:09

You're comparing apples to oranges with that murder statistic, it's mostly illegal to own a gun in Indonesia whereas it makes up ~70% of the murders here. That is a statistic we need to swallow as a nation because I don't think either side wants to get rid of guns, the left (and a lot of the right) just wants to restrict certain weapons and increase/change background checks. There are a lot of other factors when it comes to murder rates we aren't accounting for either in there (homogeneous population, gang affiliation, culture).

The homeless thing is certainly an issue, but it's not like it's the only thing you see when you go into a major city. You're kind of setting the stage like it's only homeless people in camps and not much else. I can't speak for LA or NYC (only visited both) too much but San Diego is beautiful and I love living here. The homeless camp here isn't too far from where I live and where i work out is in the middle of it. I usually just bring some dog treats and toss them out so they don't bother me or my car while i get a pump. I grew up in a small town and it also has a homeless "tent city" albeit much smaller. It's much easier to find a job and a place to stay when rent isn't $1600 for a shitty apartment. But that's the price I pay to live in place that's full of life, tons of activities, and other benefits.
I'll reserve.
I've talked about nearly the same scenario with Dave, as long as it's not being abused by everyone it doesn't really matter. He didn't seem concerned about this so neither am I.

I hope this answers your question!
29.10.2021 в USA?
From my own experience, having been to many places in the U.S., and to at least 1 legit 3rd-world country (Indonesia), I think the answer is "it depends". In general, many of the big U.S. cities ARE shitholes, especially along the west and east coasts. Many areas of Los Angeles and San Francisco are just like 3rd-world countries now -- with all the crime, homeless encampments, tons of trash lining the streets, human waste on the sidewalks, etc. However the vast interior of the country -- smaller towns and more rural places -- are still very nice. So it depends where you are.

Here's a fun factoid:

In Indonesia, the murder rate is 0.43 per 100K population. (Stats for 2017, source)
In Jakarta itself, the murder rate is approx. 0.61 per 100K population. (From 2016 -- I had a hard time finding this stat, but I extrapolated it from an article here)

In Chicago, the murder rate is 20.7 per 100K population (2018 -- source)

So by my rough math, you're about 33 times more likely to be killed in Chicago, than in Jakarta.
NOTICE: I've updated the rules above, where it says this:

NO FARMING. This means you have to play a REAL GAME with other people, not just farming a map by yourself. You must post the game link so I can verify.
Написано KaMaX, 28.10.2021 at 16:41

Game link: https://atwar-game.com/games/?link=0117599063
screen: https://i.imgur.com/F3ZYKSi.jpg

Okay I gave you the ProtoCoins but this is the last time... from now on there's a new rule, you have to play a REAL GAME with other people, you can't just farm a map by yourself....
Написано Da Vinci Code, 28.10.2021 at 15:42

Link Game: https://atwar-game.com/games/?link=2327598964
Screen: https://prnt.sc/1xnabnn

Congrats! ProtoCoins delivered...
Написано Lokua, 28.10.2021 at 11:42

Link game https://he.atwar-game.com/games/?link=3577598760

Damn you're collecting protocoins on all your alts... good thing I'm nice about this
Написано sirivann, 28.10.2021 at 13:05

I think he means puchao, since he has a acc on ships, empire and first order which croat said was allowed for cws as long as all clans agreed to have and use him if needed.

No, only your main account can CW in that scenario. If i saw that I would ban him and so should the other mods. If mods or anyone (including myself) besides Dave tells you that you can do something that is against the rules, please refrain until you can see it in writing on the rules / cw rules page. I understand that it's a mod issue and i'm working to resolve it so these scenarios don't happen anymore.
Написано Ivan., 28.10.2021 at 06:13

Написано Sid, 27.10.2021 at 23:06

This was a discussion that took place on the mod forums about a month ago but never updated here for you guys. I'm not going to add this to the rules but i will annotate it there so you can assure this is legitimate. Consider this volatile as it can be changed at a moments notice (if you can see this post then you can do it).

  • No 1vs1 CWs
  • 1 person (playing 2 accounts) vs 2 CWs are allowed if the opponents are aware of who is playing on what account
  • All remaining CW scenarios are allowed as long as they have atleast 3 total players and everyone is aware of who is playing on what account.
  • If the person playing on multiple accounts cannot prove that they told the opposing clan in a public chat who's playing, then the CW can be deleted.

what about the person playing from 3 different clans with 3 different accounts ? is possible or not allowed.

I'm not sure the scenario you're talking about, but CWing from another clan isn't allowed due to the alt rule. You must have your main account in the game and can't have any accounts on an enemy team for obvious reasons.
Of course...
This was a discussion that took place on the mod forums about a month ago but never updated here for you guys. I'm not going to add this to the rules but i will annotate it there so you can assure this is legitimate. Consider this volatile as it can be changed at a moments notice (if you can see this post then you can do it).

  • No 1vs1 CWs
  • 1 person (playing 2 accounts) vs 2 CWs are allowed if the opponents are aware of who is playing on what account
  • All remaining CW scenarios are allowed as long as they have atleast 3 total players and everyone is aware of who is playing on what account.
  • If the person playing on multiple accounts cannot prove that they told the opposing clan in a public chat who's playing, then the CW can be deleted.
27.10.2021 в Mobile
Написано JUGERS2, 27.10.2021 at 17:31

Was there any recent update with mobile being able to scroll strategies, units list etc or it was my phone update that did that? If there was an update, i want to ask thanks in behalf of mobile community. Now game is very much playable for mobile, the only thing that misses is the disembark units without landing transports, something that might be hard to implement. Many might not know it but I play mostly on mobile for 1 and a half year now. Admins can confirm that. Thanks a lot again, if it was an update if not at android 11 latest update i am able to scroll threw everything. Hope this brings a new player base to the game.

Yes, I fixed that a while ago. You're welcome
27.10.2021 в Atwar Need Bot
Yes, an AI opponent is on the roadmap. Programming the bot will be the easy part; getting it to connect with shitty AW code will be the challenge. I'm thinking it might be easier to just create some accounts and have them login to the game through several PhantomJS (or some other headless browser) instances, which sounds ridiculous but might be the easier way to go...
Написано Necro X, 27.10.2021 at 15:59

Hi Mod u sended a giveaway to who find the witch of the west ,i find it and this is the link of the pick
and this is game link:

Congrats! ProtoCoins delivered
Написано Yacer, 27.10.2021 at 15:57


ProtoCoins delivered, congrats!
Написано Noctis-kun, 27.10.2021 at 13:36

Gimme protoCoins
Password is Witch

You know, really I shouldn't give you protocoins because you just played solo for 179 turns and nobody else ever joined your game...

Fortunately for you I'm nice so I'll give them anyway, but the whole point of this event is to get people to play some REAL games with each other!
Написано Bellas, 27.10.2021 at 05:45


Congrats! ProtoCoins delivered
Написано Sadin, 27.10.2021 at 04:16

When you were having a discord open community chat, that event when we posted questions, that was one of them. Rare units are changing the course of the game for non-premium players.

Please update it for all users, my non-premium friends (all of them haha) are eager to rush with partisans

I believe you, but somehow I don't remember that. Anyway I'll see what I can do...
Написано Evic, 26.10.2021 at 21:19



k now gimme protocoins

here you go
Написано bilawi, 26.10.2021 at 19:17

Hi Dave

Написано Sid, 26.10.2021 at 17:02

I'll also accept $10,000 USD

Sounds good, I'll leave the cash for you in the usual place

I got really lucky! 10,000 PC pls. I'll also accept $10,000 USD
Написано culturenotviolence, 26.10.2021 at 14:29

So here is the Screenshot and the gamelink might be this one:

Lol you could have just used ZippyImage, but okay.... protocoins delivered, congrats!
Написано Agel, 26.10.2021 at 11:33

Написано maid, 26.10.2021 at 10:17

Are non-premium users able to find it?

I would say no since they are rare units, unless dave changed how rare units work.

Non-prems don't get rare units?

Edit: I guess you're right, only premium users get rare units. I never knew that
Написано The Panda Jew, 26.10.2021 at 08:24

Here's a good idea for spooktober if it's easy to implement - allow us to purchase green names for pc? :>

It's a cool idea but there's not enough time for me to do it before the 31st.
Написано Spartans300, 25.10.2021 at 21:37

Great! But what happens if we have Santa AND the Witch in the same game? LOL

Lol if that happens, I'll pay 10000 ProtoCoins to the finder
Написано Spartans300, 25.10.2021 at 21:14

Are they present in Casual in addition to Quick games?

Yes, as long as the casual game was started after this announcement

I have no idea what most of what you're talking about means but it sounds like a lot of work.
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