navy players have mostly battleships
Wrong. I have played NC for almost 40 games in a row, and I rely just as much on infantry as I do on battleships, in later game.
Well late game is not really so important for balance as clearly as you can afford and have the capacity to make more units, naturally you need land units later game. I wont have JUST bombers late game even if bombers were good units now.
I also suspect you play on larger maps as well I very rarely see a naval player use very many land units on smaller maps, mid to early game.
I take it from this thread hardly anyone uses sky menace. The idea that skymenace is the only strat that has to buy a very expensive transport to cap, and then you can only cap ONE town at a time and it's the only strat where the advice is to NOT use your main unit

. The idea this is fair and balanced is