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28.01.2021 - 07:53
Hi loves,

It's been so long since I've been active on this game, and I'm glad I remembered to revisit. There's this idea I've always had in mind but never really got to execute it, and for some reason now I decided to give it a try.

I'm trying to make a remastered version of the Europe+ map in an attempt to make it more balanced by inducing new variety factors while keeping its essence intact.

Europe+ is by far the most competitive map in this game and it has been the go to map for most of the coalition wars played (at least back in the days when I used to play). Nevertheless this doesn't mean the map can't be improved. I have noticed that throughout the games there are only a handful of viable picks in a classical 3v3 EU+ 10k, and this is mainly due to the fact that the other countries are just not good enough.

The purpose of this remake of the map is to essentially:

  • Upgrade few countries to make them as reliable as the countries we are used to picking
  • Redefine the battle in eastern Europe by introducing Russia Central as a strong starting point
  • Add few key cities to some countries that can change the whole course of the game (mainly cities with ports)

Instead of extensively working on the map to perfect it and then have it not come out as intended, I chose to introduce it to the community early on so I can adjust things based on the feedback you guys provide. This way it would be more engaging and I get to hear all the ideas you guys have to offer that I might not have thought of.

The changes I've implemented so far are:

  • France: 2 new cities added (Ajaccio with 1 reinforcement & Strasbourg with 1 reinforcement).
  • Italy: 1 new city added (Venice with 2 reinforcements). Cagliari now has 2 reinforcements instead of 1.
  • Germany: 1 new city added (Rostock with 1 reinforcement).
  • Sweden: Malmo has been removed and 1 new city added (Karlskrona with 2 reinforcements).
  • Greece: Athens now has 6 reinforcements instead of 8, Patras has 2 reinforcements instead of 1 & Thessaloniki has 2 reinforcements instead of 1.
  • Turkey: Izmir went from 8 to 5, Bursa went from 5 to 3 and is now a port city, Antalya went from 4 to 3 and Samsun went from 1 to 2 reinforcements.
  • Azerbaijan: Baku went from 6 to 4 reinforcements.
  • Russia South: Rostov-na-Donu is now the new capital.
  • Russia Volga: Nizhny Novgorod is now the new capital, few reinforcements were taken out of the other cities.
  • Russia Northwest: Saint Petersburg went from 8 to 6 reinforcements, 3 new cities were added (Pskov with 2 reinforcements, Veliky Novgorod with 2 reinforcements and Vologda with 3 reinforcements), and Kaliningrad went from 1 to 2 reinforcements.
  • Russia Central: 3 new cities added (Tver with 2 reinforcements, Bryansk with 2 reinforcements and Ryazan with 2 reinforcements), and Voronezh went from 2 to 3 reinforcements.

One pending change I still have in mind is splitting Russia South into 2 countries: Russia South & Russia North Caucasia.

I'm hoping this can make the classical EU+ game less monotonic without messing with its competitive aspect, but rather adding variety to it. This can also open the door for a 3v3v3 or 4v4 on the map as more countries can now be considered as strong picks.

The map's name is Europe+ Remastered (https://atwar-game.com/map/?id=29229). I couldn't create the map under my main account since I'm missing the custom maps package from my premium subscription hence I had to create an alt account to work on it.

Feel free to try it out and let me know what you think. Any suggestions are welcome.

Note: I made sure every change is geographically accurate before implementing it.
I wf'd UK
28.01.2021 - 08:56
Maybe break some countries into regions and unite the others?
Like add Transylvania, Bavaria, Occitania, Scotland, Kurdistan (region in eastern turkey, i don't know the official name), North Caucasus, Catalonia.
And unite some like Yugoslavia, Transcaucasia(or South Caucasus) (georgia/armenia/azerb), Czechoslovakia, Baltic States.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
28.01.2021 - 09:36
Написано Skanderbeg, 28.01.2021 at 08:56

Maybe break some countries into regions and unite the others?
Like add Transylvania, Bavaria, Occitania, Scotland, Kurdistan (region in eastern turkey, I don't know the official name), North Caucasus, Catalonia.
And unite some like Yugoslavia, Transcaucasia(or South Caucasus) (georgia/armenia/azerb), Czechoslovakia, Baltic States.

I think this might be an interesting way of changing things but at the same time might not be fairly justified. Changing a lot in the way countries are distributed might be too much for some players that they would rather stick to the original map (for example splitting UK to include Scotland and Whales would eliminate it from being a good pick anymore and that would heavily impact the gameplay).

Russia South on the other hand is already a minor country but splitting it would (in my opinion) be justified geographically (as they are in fact two separate federal districts) and for the sake of enhancing the map experience (it would make expanding towards the east more rewarding for Turkey).
I wf'd UK
28.01.2021 - 09:36
The supporters/meta team and mods have worked on this in the past. I would suggest talking to them about it if you want to make this anything "official"
28.01.2021 - 12:06
Big nerd

Написано Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
28.01.2021 - 12:22
Default map is much better then this.

This map is ok for some scenario...

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