We have moved to a new server, we hope the game will now run better and with less disconnects. DNS is still being updated, so if you upload any images they might be gone in a couple of days, when DNS is finally pointing to the new website (the website still runs from the old server atm). In everything else the transition should be very smooth.

Also, we added Player menu which shows when you hover on a player's name or rank in the game. There you can see player's Coalition, avatar (click to open website profile) and a few buttons. They allow to add players to your Friends/Enemies lists or give player +1 reputation. Ignore button will be added shortly.

A special panel showing your Friends, Enemies, Coalition members and ignored members will be added to the game with the next update, helping to keep track of various groups of people. Friends and Enemies also show up in your profile on the website (other players can't see them).

Reputation is just something you can reward your favorite players with. You can only give it once to each player.



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Комментарии: 9   Посещен: 238 users
01.02.2011 - 08:06
Could you explain the idea behind enemies?
01.02.2011 - 09:19
Those you fight against often and those who actually are a threat to you could be added to enemies. Or maybe it's more of a "he's a dick ignore him" list. Although I prefer to think of it as a rivalry list.
01.02.2011 - 09:41
Hmm yes that is something along the lines of what I was thinking, just wondering if Ivan can clear up his intentions for it.
01.02.2011 - 10:09
 Ivan (Админ)
You can use it for whatever you want - either for players that are a threat to you, cheaters or just unpleasant people. We will also add an ability to leave a short comment for people in your Friends/Enemies lists, so you can remember why they're there
01.02.2011 - 10:12
Написано Ivan, 01.02.2011 at 10:09

We will also add an ability to leave a short comment for people in your Friends/Enemies lists, so you can remember why they're there

Great idea. Never forget, never forgive!

01.02.2011 - 15:15
Were the rank requirements decreased with this update as well?
02.02.2011 - 02:36
 Ivan (Админ)
Написано Gigglin, 01.02.2011 at 15:15

Were the rank requirements decreased with this update as well?

Yes, a little bit. We made the progression smoother, without unproportional gaps.
08.02.2011 - 21:53
08.02.2011 - 22:26
Написано rmilkway, 08.02.2011 at 21:53


Hello, nice to meet you.
Anyways, Ive noticed the player menu will "diappear" at times when your trying to click something on it. Bug?

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