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Сообщения: 5   Посещен: 315 users
28.11.2011 - 17:01
With Africa, there are two places I normally pick

>South Africa starts with good income for you to send a fleet from Cape Town to Brazil. Another good tactic is to send a fleet from Durban to India. If India is occupied, Australia is easier.

>I often pick Djibouti in Africa because it is very cheap, has a troop bonus since its small, and Can invade many places. What I do is go for Saudi Arabia immediately.Ont eh same turn I go to Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen, Eritrea, Kenya, and sometimes Somalia.

Two countries I dont like are

>DR Congo costs a lot to start with compared to its income, and it only has one decent city, so its hard to conquer.

>Nigeria has money, and many troops, but the countries around it are really bad, and there is a huge gap of cities between North Africa and Mid Africa. Money eventually runs out.

29.12.2011 - 19:01
I pick from North to South, therefore, I can get Europe as well as the south of Africa.
I pick Algeria, and Egypt usually.
30.12.2011 - 04:08
Just tried out Djibouti and it seems really solid if you have a bit of space (Which is pretty likely in smaller games). Nice find there.
30.12.2011 - 11:00
Togo or something like that. West Africa is by far the best starting position for world games but you still have hardly a chance of surviving if there's someone playing in South America which is just around the corner. It takes just 3 turns to get from Fortaleza (Brazil: Northeast) to well into West Africa.

As for Africa games, you should only play GW. Rwanda, Kenya, and the region in general is very strong and easily defensible but you may have a bit of a money problem. I would recommend it, especially if you like to build defence lines.

PS: Emporer, I don't think you understand how to use greentext (the > symbol). Refrain fom using it, you're just humiliating yourself.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
30.12.2011 - 11:41
Best strategy for Africa games is Imperialist by far. It was already my option before the GW nerf, but now it's a must.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
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