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24.10.2018 - 10:04
List of ww1 events


TURNSWHAT IS GETTING ADDEDLOCATION(some locations are clickable with images)

West germany

turn 17 trench, 6 coastal gunshamburg
-43 infantryhannover
-1 cap, 1 anti-aircraft gunKoln
-14 infantrybrussels
-18 infantrygivet
-10 infantryluxembourg
-6 naval mine,3 destroyer, 5 cruiser, 3 dreadnoughtnear hamburg
turn 212 trenchin trenches
turn 11"Stormtroopers" now purchasableRhineland, Southern Germany, Northern Germany
turn 233 inflation and unrest"ca[p"
turn 2545 stormtroopers, 10 prussian infantryNorth germany
turn 281 supply, 3 inflation and unrest"ca[p"
turn 301 inflation and unrest"ca[p"
turn 331 inflation and unrest"ca[p"


turn 110 prussian inf, 1 gas attack, 1 unmoveable capberlin
- 5 infantry, 1 capital9th army
- 13 prussian inf, 1 genkonigsberg
- 10 prussian inflodz
turn 510 prussian inf, 1 gas attackberlin
turn 910 prussian inf, 1 gas attackberlin
turn 11"Stormtroopers" now purchasablePrussia
turn 1210 communist guard, 10 communist guard. 4 conscript Russia
turn 1310 prussian inf, 1 gas attackberlin
turn 145 communist vanguard Russia
turn 151 vladimir lenin, 117 communist vanguard Russia
turn 191 inflation and unrest port cap
turn 225 inflation and unrest port cap
turn 284 inflation and unrest port cap
turn 351 inflation and unrestaround nerf


turn 11 capitalvienna
-2 coastal gunssplit, trieste
turn 24 trench, 2 alphenkorps alp trenches
turn 1539 stormtroopers, 1 stormgas attackslovenia
turn 202 inflation and unrestcap
turn 231 supply, 3 inflation and unrestcap
turn 282 supplycap
turn 332 inflation and unrestcap

turn 11 capital, 1 generalsofia

turn 11 general, 1 capital, 1 troop carrier, 4 coastal guns, 2 naval mineKonstantiniyye]
-2 machine gun, 2 anti-aircraft gun, 1 trench, 3 coastal guns Gallipoli
-4 infantry Erzincan
turn 181 inflation and unrest Cap
turn 291 inflation and unrest Cap


turn 18 capital, 6 conscript Iasi, moldova
-1 general Bucharest, romania


turn 12 capital. 1 general Nis, Serbia
-2 militia Nis, Serbia
turn 21 trench Monastir aka serb trench
turn 139 venizelism Serbo-French greece
turn 1410 infantrygreece


turn 112zhytomir, ukraine
-10 conscriptskiev, ukraine
-41 conscriptminsk, belarus
-10 conscript, 1 capital saint petersburg
-10 conscript, 1 capital warsaw, poland
-3 naval mine sevastopol, crimea
turn 1059 conscripts, 30 arts, 1 general kiev
-30 conscriptsbelarus
turn 123 inflation and unrest near cap
- 21 anti communismKiev, sevastopol, yekaterinoslav, kharkov, chrnihiv, odessa, rostov,
tbilisi, batumi, kars, baku,
turn 21"White infantry" now purchasable Russia
turn 24"White artillary" now purchasable Russia


turn 133 infantry bordeaux
-1 general, 1 capital, 1 aircraft guns bordeaux
-2 troop carriers algiers
-2 coastal guns athens
turn 28 trenches trenches
turn 91 troop carrier algiers
turn 1330 american infantry, 5 artillary , 5 cavalry, 2 destroyer, 2 troopshipatlantics
turn 15"tanks" now purchasablefrance
turn 1730 american infantry, 5 artillary , 5 cavalry, 2 destroyer, 2 troopshipatlantics
turn 182 troop carriertunis, algiers
turn 2130 american infantry, 5 artillary , 5 cavalry, 2 destroyer, 2 troopshipatlantics
turn 2560 american infantry, 7 artillary , 6 cavalry, 2 destroyer, 4 troopshipatlantics
turn 2960 american infantry, 10 artillary , 5 cavalry, 5 tanks, 4 destroyer, 4 troopshipatlantics
turn 3340 american infantry, 5 artillary , 5 cavalry, 30 tanks, 4 destroyer, 4 troopshipatlantics
turn 3740 american infantry, 2 destroyer, 2 troopshipatlantics

United kingdom
turn 114 naval mines, 9 destroyer, 8 cruiser, 9 dreadnought, 4 troop carrier british isles
-1 supplyship, 1 supply, 1 por new york
-1 general, 2 coastal gun london
-1 unmovable cap
-3 coastal guns, 3 anti-aircraft guns [url=http://prntscr.com/huphxh] british trenches in france
-3 coastal guns, 3 anti-aircraft guns british trenches in france
-10 infantry. 1 troop carrier, 3 coastal guns, 5 naval mines, lemnos
-25 infantry le havre
-1 trench, 2 infantry el arish, egypt
-2 infantry kuwait city
-1 coastal gun, 1 coastal gun doha; indian reinforcements
-2 coastal gun gibraltar
turn 51 supplyship, 1 supply new york
turn 51 supplyship, 1 supply new york
turn 91 supplyship, 1 supply new york
turn 915 arab cavalry, 1 kingdom of hejaz, 1 general, 5 arab guerilla north and south hejaz
turn 131 supplyship, 1 supply new york
-15 american infantry, 3 artillary , 2 cavalry, 1 destroyer, 1 troopshipatlantics
turn 1410 infantry salonika, greece
turn 15"tanks" now purchasable england
turn 171 supplyship, 1 supply new york
-15 american infantry, 3 artillary , 2 cavalry, 1 destroyer, 1 troopshipatlantics
turn 211 supplyship, 1 supply new york
-15 american infantry, 3 artillary , 2 cavalry, 1 destroyer, 1 troopshipatlantics
turn 251 supplyship, 1 supply new york
-15 american infantry, 3 artillary, 2 cavalry, 1 destroyer, 1 troopshipatlantics
-10 american infantry,10 artillary, 2 cavalry, 1 destroyer, 1 troopshipatlantics
turn 2915 american infantry, 3 artillary, 2 cavalry, 1 destroyer, 1 troopshipatlantics
-15 american infantry, 5 tanks, 1 destroyer, 1 troopshipatlantics
turn 3315 american infantry, 3 artillary, 2 cavalry, 1 destroyer, 1 troopshipatlantics
-20 tanks, 2 destroyer, 1 troopshipatlantics
turn 3320 american infantry. 2 destroyer, 1 troopshipatlantics


turn 11 capitalRome
-3 naval mines, 1 coastal gun, 1 troop carrier Rhodes
-1 troop carrier Tripoli
turn 26 trench Alp trenches
turn 181 troop carrier Tripoli
turn 1845 infantry, 18 artillary, 35 tanks, 1 american infantry, 1 general near Milan

24.10.2018 - 10:04
I love u man
24.10.2018 - 10:39
Useful information good post I hope someone remasters your map quickly. Maybe ask witch doctor he made a very good map for this type of genre.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
24.10.2018 - 10:48
NEG <3

24.10.2018 - 12:35
Написано NegTheEskimo, 24.10.2018 at 10:04

Where is the hentai units that you had on there before? Wished we had a copy of the older one before it got deleted since it looked a lot more organized and neat. xD
24.10.2018 - 14:17
Nerf Bulgaria
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
24.10.2018 - 21:59
Написано Houki, 24.10.2018 at 12:35

Написано NegTheEskimo, 24.10.2018 at 10:04

Where is the hentai units that you had on there before? Wished we had a copy of the older one before it got deleted since it looked a lot more organized and neat. xD

Yeah, that one looked cool with colors and such. I recovered this from my recycle bin. And the japanese units are added, haha.
24.10.2018 - 23:29
Написано NegTheEskimo, 24.10.2018 at 21:59

Ah it brings back memories like old times especially when you and Alpha went at it with all the dweeb, manly, etc whatever crap you both sort of complained about. Haha Good times.
24.10.2018 - 23:37
Написано Houki, 24.10.2018 at 23:29

Написано NegTheEskimo, 24.10.2018 at 21:59

Ah it brings back memories like old times especially when you and Alpha went at it with all the dweeb, manly, etc whatever crap you both sort of complained about. Haha Good times.

Good times indeed.
04.11.2018 - 02:19
Wtf is that japan ?!
12.11.2018 - 11:24
Jesus fuck look how unbalanced the events are.
wg gets inflation and unrest while west get 50 units every 3 fucking turns from 20-37
i swear this map wouldve been a lot more balanced if there werent so many useless events
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

21.11.2018 - 12:07
Its historical, deal with it. Actually its amazing how Aetius made this to copy the real flow of action of ww1.
...још сте ту...
20.03.2019 - 18:08
Awesome list, thanks a ton neg.
Join us on Discord @ https://discord.gg/uBM5Qpk for exclusive games.
22.01.2020 - 07:27
Написано 4nic, 12.11.2018 at 11:24

Jesus fuck look how unbalanced the events are.
wg gets inflation and unrest while west get 50 units every 3 fucking turns from 20-37
i swear this map wouldve been a lot more balanced if there werent so many useless events

play UK or france vs a gud cp
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