Купи премиум версию чтобы скрыть рекламы
Сообщения: 2   Посещен: 17 users
11.12.2015 - 17:23
When you embed an image into your post, you only have to highlight the link and click the button. The link is then in-between the img tags.

However, when you try to do the same thing for a YouTube video, it's very different.
Here's a video to show you what I mean:

11.12.2015 - 19:10
Yeah, it's on the list of bugs that I've discovered months ago but was too bla to report.

Back then though, the whole text would disappear and not just appear the code at the right of it.

Edit: it's still the same, whatever text you select then click on the code, it disappear rather than appearing in the right as in your video.
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