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Сообщения: 11   Посещен: 67 users
30.07.2017 - 20:49
As we all know, Perfect Defense is pretty damn OP. So here's my suggestion: since the strategy focuses on defense, reduce every unit's range by 2-3 and increase transport cost to reduce mobility. This will make PD a very slow strategy, a little like IF.
30.07.2017 - 21:29
That will literally fucking butcher pd.

learn to deal with it.
30.07.2017 - 23:58
This is retarded, PD is such a well balanced strategy which already has limited mobility.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
31.07.2017 - 02:59
 Sascha (Мод)
PD isnt that OP in my opinion no nerfs needed

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
--Les Brown
31.07.2017 - 04:45
Favorite strats: blitz,ra,imp
You must be getting wrecked by pd due to mindless offence right??
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

31.07.2017 - 08:08
This brings up another point, is it necessary to buff another strategy to usability in euro+ west and the like?

31.07.2017 - 10:36
Написано Erichv.Manstein, 30.07.2017 at 20:49

As we all know, Perfect Defense is pretty damn OP. So here's my suggestion: since the strategy focuses on defense, reduce every unit's range by 2-3 and increase transport cost to reduce mobility. This will make PD a very slow strategy, a little like IF.

When you reach a certain level of competence with all the strats you realise pd is not op. I wouldve agreed with you back when i was a low/mid rank too.

Написано LukeTan, 31.07.2017 at 08:08

This brings up another point, is it necessary to buff another strategy to usability in euro+ west and the like?

Not really. West eu 10k is THE pd niche. The map layout, the income and the picks are the problem not the strat.
31.07.2017 - 22:14
Of course the PD fanboys don't want their favorite strat to NOT be OP...

infantry is dirt cheap with PD, blitz tanks stand no chance against them since I have to invest a lot more into units than my opponent, hence I will lose.

And no, I do not attack mindlessly.
01.08.2017 - 04:06
Написано Erichv.Manstein, 31.07.2017 at 22:14

Of course the PD fanboys don't want their favorite strat to NOT be OP...

infantry is dirt cheap with PD, blitz tanks stand no chance against them since I have to invest a lot more into units than my opponent, hence I will lose.

And no, I do not attack mindlessly.

you lose because you don't know how to play. it is simple as that.
01.08.2017 - 07:00
Написано Erichv.Manstein, 31.07.2017 at 22:14

Of course the PD fanboys don't want their favorite strat to NOT be OP...

infantry is dirt cheap with PD, blitz tanks stand no chance against them since I have to invest a lot more into units than my opponent, hence I will lose.

And no, I do not attack mindlessly.

You should pay more attention to what i am saying rather than dismissing me as a mere "pd fanboy". Only reason that strat is in my top 3 most played is due to the map and setting i mainly play being its niche. It is by no means my favourite strat. Not even in my top 5.

As the others are basically saying to you. Get good.
01.08.2017 - 08:03
Написано Guest, 01.08.2017 at 02:38

Написано Erichv.Manstein, 31.07.2017 at 22:14

Of course the PD fanboys don't want their favorite strat to NOT be OP...

infantry is dirt cheap with PD, blitz tanks stand no chance against them since I have to invest a lot more into units than my opponent, hence I will lose.

And no, I do not attack mindlessly.

Then don't use blitz...............you're clearly using it wrong anyway.

thats actually kind of true, in places like world games blitz can outperform pd if played properly

Написано Permamuted, 31.07.2017 at 10:36

Написано LukeTan, 31.07.2017 at 08:08

This brings up another point, is it necessary to buff another strategy to usability in euro+ west and the like?

Not really. West eu 10k is THE pd niche. The map layout, the income and the picks are the problem not the strat.

Nice this'll be a good quote to use against all those ancient haters.

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