Написано RaulPB, 21.11.2014 at 05:16
Написано Riot77, 20.11.2014 at 15:58
Написано RaulPB, 20.11.2014 at 07:49
He just avoids a direct argument cause he has no idea how this game works... he has not replied to any of my arguments, questions or whatever asked... he's just retarded in my opinion, that would explain all his posts.
Me avoiding your posts?! What a failed self confidence. Not likely, if you are off topic or just not having logical conclusions- I just don't bother to read you. Simple as that.
You commented "veterans making" rules. HAHAHAHAHAHAH ARE YOU INSANE? it's not insult, it's just honest question. Are you!?
No- authors of the GAME MAKE THE RULES. Not you. Not the community. Not rank 12654. "veterans". Please define who are veterans and why should they be more important? Besides who do you think you are talking down to me? A 5 min/turn player who think that over rank 10 is a "god mode". I played most of my games 24/48h/turn - ofcourse I won't make the same ammount of SP as you do. I knew that when I start playing the game. I would probbably have to play 120 games at the time - where 10 concurrent is more than enought at any moment. My games ussually last for month or two. You finish 2/3 games a day. SP/rank doesn't make you "an expert" *caugh* but can make some players an asshole *caugh*
"1) if players don't make the rules, who does? God? A stranger to the game? You alone? No. A group of veteran players that know how this actually work." HAHAHAH it's a game. It has code. And programmed rules. This is how it works. omg: YOU know how this ACTUALLY works!- you are not ok. something is seriuslly wrong with you. honestly. You know how this secret game works. haha
"2) it's impossible to have the walls premade..." you take 5 or 6 units, you stack them around the fucking city without links. a lvl1 noob can do it. don't make me laugh- it's something half of scenarios have it made ALREADY. Why you talking here if this is too much for you to know.
"3) wtf?? Dude, really? They prevented tb? XDD don't make me laugh buddy. " yes they did with the system/logic they feel it the right one. BUT they didn't even lift a finger about wallfuck. really "dude" (dude is a dork lingua btw)
"4) ... But the community exists for something ... " comunitiy is like a stupid whore. will do anything for few SP. I just don't care about community. As I said implied that in my first post. The community DOES NOT make the game rules. Owner/admins of game do.
"4) ... If you don't like our rules, gtfo, play another game, you won't be missed...." it's not YOUR game. And you proved my whole point here: I don't care about, but I do wipe my ass YOUR RULES. Stop bothering me with them.
"All your arguments here are selfish" yes they are! You just found out that one? Are YOU playing for humanity? For curing cancer? wtf. yes they are selfish no shit sherlock. But coz of that, they are not any less logical or right.
"we all told you our reasons" I don't care about your *reasons* - statistics says everything. the end.
"so stop using the leaver excuse to feel superior" But that's the point. I can and will feel superior, as I behave more ethical than most of leavers. I am honest about my gameplay!
"I ain't a leaver so your excuse can't work with me." I WAS clearly speaking to leavers. Why you speaking then to me?
Most high rank players are less ethical than most of noobs. Those noobs who have been outvoted by ranksizm.
"You really are annoying me with your childish behaviour" Why would you even think I care how you feel? now that's beeing explained. I ARGUMENTED MY POINTS YOU HAVENT! You just negated EVERYTHING I said. I WISH you could reach the level of childrens, as I would have more adult discussion than I have this one with you.
Well, what do you know? the first post you directly respond to me!! congratz!
Let's see... you realize admins dont play the game? Do you realize that simple fact?? Are you blind?? Maybe you are lol Now tell me... how would a person that doesnt play a game make the rules for a game?? They just do it talking with the community
Let's see... you can make the same exact amount of sp by playing casual or quick games, just that my game will take a couple of hours and your a couple of weeks maybe. But your account was made on 2012... at this point, you should have been quite more than just rank 7 if you played a bit more often. I look down at you cause you play scenarios only, so there's no way someone like you can understand decisions taken by competitive players. Besides... you've been gone too much time to come here and try to convince anyone about anything. Rank doesnt mean shit, agree. But taking a quick look at your profile as a whole i'm 99% sure i can beat you a 100 games on the road until you start to realize how the game works.
1) Dude, why you take things so literal? Do you really expect people to know the game code...? Omg really, if you're gonna twist everything I say just tell me about it and i will try explain everything to you as if you were a little child... Rules are not programed, rules are made by people, just like laws are. Having laws against some action doesnt mean you can't violate them you know?? It just separates the right form the wrong.
2) Let's see..... you must be really noob to say that.... haven't you ever realized that even if you have the 3 units around your city at turn 1, walls arent made?? So you can still wf that....
3) Em... you realize that's not preventing but instead allowing TB in a certain percentage right? If there wasnt this algorithm or whatever there would be no tb at all... And they cant do anything about wf, they cant just delete wf from turn 1 and pretend to have it in the rest of the game. You say such illogical reasons...
4) So you just called yourself whore who would do anything for sp... Yup, doesnt surprise me. Anyway, not everyone is like you. If you dont care about community, gtfo this forum. This is for the community that really cares about this game and it's people.
4) It's not my game, but our game instead, and it's our rules, which everyone have agreed on... you're just like the little outcast person that likes to be marginalized and tries to think that his rules are way better than the other's.
Being selfish makes your arguments totally useless, no power at all.... they lose any possibility to convince anyone about anything. You're no better than anyone here. So being selfish wont make you look smarter nor convincing, it just makes you seem like a child.
Not leaving doesnt mean you're more ethical, as far as i can see, not paying attention to other people's words is the least ethical you could do :lol: and not leaving a game doesnt make you superior to anything XDD "Honest about your gameplay..." I won't defend all high ranks here or anywhere, that's just impossible to do with some of them but i do think you tend to behave totally childish against who ever disagrees with you, no matter who this person is. If instead of being a retarded moaner, talked some sense and tried to really convince people of what you'd say, you would have a chance for doing something... But since that all you're being is a selfish asshole... there's no way you can do anything but be hated and banned by everyone. I'd love to 1 vs 1 to see how cocky you are in game.
You havent argumented anything, you're just stating that you want to wf, that's all. For a selfish purpose. Not better than any kid would argue. And what else can i do besides from negating your selfishness?? This is a community, like it or not.
You are atleast honest lelz. Not like khal ''we did this we did that, so its the truth'' xD
Keep the work going  but try not to be rude.
Написано Waffel, 21.11.2014 at 08:20
You are atleast honest lelz. Not like khal ''we did this we did that, so its the truth'' xD
Keep the work going but try not to be rude.
Sorry... you're probably right... but seeing as this guy talks to me... let's just say the last thing I can pretend is to be polite to some rude guy that thinks he's over the whole community cause his selfish desire is allowing wf....
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.
Написано Waffel, 21.11.2014 at 08:17
Stop being so lame to Riot...
I already talked with him in pr yesterday and he actually made some quiet good statements. Some were indeed maybe something that shouldn't be said, and maybe he is a little but rude/harsh but seriously give him some slack. We all have been there when we were nooby lowrank and thought WF was not wrong. If you are gonna denny this you are simply lying to your self.
Riot didn't know you guys were mostly talking about 3v3/competitive gameplay. After I talked with him and told him why you guys sounded so harsh and kinda attacked him he understood our points and actuallly agreed on some points with it.
He said the truth when WF wasn't really against the rule but just something made up between players, i explained him why players respected it and how it all happened.
Don't need to be mocking about him the whole time. He just doesn't know this much as we do now. But we didn't either when we werent in a really active clan or active in the gameplay at all......
Now lets stop this turning into an flamewar.
I admit at first i didnt know if wf 1st turn was acepted or not, but i learned that fast and i actually dont remember myself wfing on 1st turn (being completely honest here). If i'm being harsh is cause he comes here, lacking any knoledge about what he's talking about and tries to get away with it, even being agressive with his words, as he was superior. I even stated a few times that this was a post for competitive players in my early posts, but he decided to ignore all i stated so that got to my nerves cause he seems to like being heard (if not, he wouldnt have posted that initial post that started all). All i gotta say is that you need to respect in order to be respected. First, he should have informed himself about what the post was about, then speak his mind in a respecful way, not as he were some sort of god.
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.
Leaving all the retarded posts aside, I think the case OP is talking about you can simply not break the inner kiev wall for one turn to make it up. Sometimes you end up wallfucking despite your best intentions. You just need to be nice for one extra turn to make up for that. Its usually just an accident after all.
RaulPB, I read your post from A to Z. I think we both wrote down what we think and our points, and I belive that there no reason to continue with us replaying to eachother. we are getting nowhere this way. Now lets just leave for the readers to make up their mind about this issue.
Написано Waffel, 21.11.2014 at 08:17
Now lets stop this turning into an flamewar.
I tottaly agree with you Waffel.
I agree that if you join the game with rules known upfront, that they should be folowed. But that's not the case in general gameplay with random players. I think that whole WF do/don't is an issue and should be cleared once and for all in some obvius and clear place. So all players can read it and be familiarised. Until then...
Black Shark Аккаунт удален |
Black Shark Аккаунт удален
Написано Waffel, 21.11.2014 at 08:17
Stop being so lame to Riot...
I already talked with him in pr yesterday and he actually made some quiet good statements. Some were indeed maybe something that shouldn't be said, and maybe he is a little but rude/harsh but seriously give him some slack. We all have been there when we were nooby lowrank and thought WF was not wrong. If you are gonna denny this you are simply lying to your self.
Riot didn't know you guys were mostly talking about 3v3/competitive gameplay. After I talked with him and told him why you guys sounded so harsh and kinda attacked him he understood our points and actuallly agreed on some points with it.
He said the truth when WF wasn't really against the rule but just something made up between players, i explained him why players respected it and how it all happened.
Don't need to be mocking about him the whole time. He just doesn't know this much as we do now. But we didn't either when we werent in a really active clan or active in the gameplay at all......
Now lets stop this turning into an flamewar.
Quite sure he was told that the majority of the community agreed to no WF. Also he's a r7, if you still wf r7 you probably are ignoring the community's honor rules.
Black Shark Аккаунт удален |
Black Shark Аккаунт удален
Написано Riot77, 21.11.2014 at 09:29
Написано Waffel, 21.11.2014 at 08:17
Now lets stop this turning into an flamewar.
I agree that if you join the game with rules known upfront, that they should be folowed.
OMG, this! Virtually every game you join there is the no-WF rule! You played War To End All Wars recently, guess what the creator even disallowed rewalling! Did you WF there?
RP? No Wf. Virtually all 3v3s? Nope. All of the popular and decent scenarios? Such as Ultimate WW2? Nope.
Написано Guest, 21.11.2014 at 10:51
Написано Riot77, 21.11.2014 at 09:29
Написано Waffel, 21.11.2014 at 08:17
Now lets stop this turning into an flamewar.
I agree that if you join the game with rules known upfront, that they should be folowed.
OMG, this! Virtually every game you join there is the no-WF rule! You played War To End All Wars recently, guess what the creator even disallowed rewalling! Did you WF there?
RP? No Wf. Virtually all 3v3s? Nope. All of the popular and decent scenarios? Such as Ultimate WW2? Nope.
Normal worldgames still have WF turn 1 wether or not its the rule, so goes for RPs/scenarios and those games with country capitals near eachother. Some do it on purpose some on accident.
Black Shark Аккаунт удален |
Black Shark Аккаунт удален
Написано Waffel, 21.11.2014 at 10:54
Написано Guest, 21.11.2014 at 10:51
Написано Riot77, 21.11.2014 at 09:29
Написано Waffel, 21.11.2014 at 08:17
Now lets stop this turning into an flamewar.
I agree that if you join the game with rules known upfront, that they should be folowed.
OMG, this! Virtually every game you join there is the no-WF rule! You played War To End All Wars recently, guess what the creator even disallowed rewalling! Did you WF there?
RP? No Wf. Virtually all 3v3s? Nope. All of the popular and decent scenarios? Such as Ultimate WW2? Nope.
Normal worldgames still have WF turn 1 wether or not its the rule, so goes for RPs/scenarios and those games with country capitals near eachother. Some do it on purpose some on accident.
I never said that world games have that rule, but many of the people who host them do not support it.
And what about RP/Scenarios? 1st turn wf illegal, simple. Accident made? Don't attack the Wfd city and you're good.
Leaving all the retarded posts aside, I think the case OP is talking about you can simply not break the inner kiev wall for one turn to make it up. Sometimes you end up wallfucking despite your best intentions. You just need to be nice for one extra turn to make up for that. Its usually just an accident after all.
Actually I was talking about odessa, not kiev. I just realized this ss is not quiet fitting into the point of this thread. Also note, this thread was made before the inner biggwall discussions started. So don't think about that tho.
Написано Guest, 21.11.2014 at 10:56
Completely agree with you on everything you said... even a blind person would realize that no one (of the decent players) wf on first turn...
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.
Написано Waffel, 21.11.2014 at 11:07
Actually I was talking about odessa, not kiev. I just realized this ss is not quiet fitting into the point of this thread. Also note, this thread was made before the inner biggwall discussions started. So don't think about that tho.
I don't get it 
You are talking about the transport that wall fucked the outer kiev wall right? Cause I don't see any wall on odessa. I guess the purpose of the outer wall is to prevent the inner wall from not getting broken, now that the outer wall got wf it only makes sense not to break the inner wall cause you wf him.
You are allowed to land into your enemy country as long as you don't wall or wallfuck anywhere.
Написано Waffel, 21.11.2014 at 11:07
Actually I was talking about odessa, not kiev. I just realized this ss is not quiet fitting into the point of this thread. Also note, this thread was made before the inner biggwall discussions started. So don't think about that tho.
I don't get it 
You are talking about the transport that wall fucked the outer kiev wall right? Cause I don't see any wall on odessa. I guess the purpose of the outer wall is to prevent the inner wall from not getting broken, now that the outer wall got wf it only makes sense not to break the inner wall cause you wf him.
You are allowed to land into your enemy country as long as you don't wall or wallfuck anywhere.
No look, that transport would WF odessa if it would be walled, like I said this SS is kinda bad now because it gives the wrong Idea, ill try to put a better SS soon.
My point was, people attack belarus while they know their transport would WF odessa.
Написано Waffel, 21.11.2014 at 11:07
Actually I was talking about odessa, not kiev. I just realized this ss is not quiet fitting into the point of this thread. Also note, this thread was made before the inner biggwall discussions started. So don't think about that tho.
I don't get it 
You are talking about the transport that wall fucked the outer kiev wall right? Cause I don't see any wall on odessa. I guess the purpose of the outer wall is to prevent the inner wall from not getting broken, now that the outer wall got wf it only makes sense not to break the inner wall cause you wf him.
You are allowed to land into your enemy country as long as you don't wall or wallfuck anywhere.
lol minus dont bother, this argument went on for 15 pages in another thread, some people simply have different standards and senses of fairplay.
Написано Waffel, 21.11.2014 at 11:28
No look, that transport would WF odessa if it would be walled, like I said this SS is kinda bad now because it gives the wrong Idea, ill try to put a better SS soon.
My point was, people attack belarus while they know their transport would WF odessa.

Are you asking people not to wf. Well if they do they are simply not supposed to attack that city for 1 turn. We all follow that mostly when we accidentally wf. So I don't get what exactly you are trying to say with this thread.
Написано Waffel, 21.11.2014 at 11:28
No look, that transport would WF odessa if it would be walled, like I said this SS is kinda bad now because it gives the wrong Idea, ill try to put a better SS soon.
My point was, people attack belarus while they know their transport would WF odessa.

Are you asking people not to wf. Well if they do they are simply not supposed to attack that city for 1 turn. We all follow that mostly when we accidentally wf. So I don't get what exactly you are trying to say with this thread.
Ffs , read main post, its not about the bigwall discussiong or kiev wall at all, my point is not to do moves which cause WF even if you dont attack the city the next turn..
Написано Waffel, 21.11.2014 at 10:54
Написано Guest, 21.11.2014 at 10:51
Написано Riot77, 21.11.2014 at 09:29
Написано Waffel, 21.11.2014 at 08:17
Now lets stop this turning into an flamewar.
I agree that if you join the game with rules known upfront, that they should be folowed.
OMG, this! Virtually every game you join there is the no-WF rule! You played War To End All Wars recently, guess what the creator even disallowed rewalling! Did you WF there?
RP? No Wf. Virtually all 3v3s? Nope. All of the popular and decent scenarios? Such as Ultimate WW2? Nope.
Normal worldgames still have WF turn 1 wether or not its the rule, so goes for RPs/scenarios and those games with country capitals near eachother. Some do it on purpose some on accident.
We dont exploit if it happens in scenarios.
We are not the same- I am a Martian.
Написано Waffel, 12.11.2014 at 14:30
Lol never saw this thread, oh the irony :S
ikr, me too, lol...i mean lol...did i mentioned i lol'ed..lol 
nice bitching, time to put laochra back on ignore
Waffel wall crythreads are legendary. where'd the 10+ page 1 go.
He could wall closer to kiev, his problem he lacks the skill of walling close (without letting zoom bug kill you)
Somebody needs a prime rib supper and a girlfriend
4 years ago, when I actually gave a fuck about this game...
No thanks.
Написано Waffel, 13.10.2018 at 06:11
4 years ago, when I actually gave a fuck about this game...
No thanks.
Waffel doesn't care anymore?
Написано Waffel, 13.10.2018 at 06:11
4 years ago, when I actually gave a fuck about this game...
No thanks.
Waffel doesn't care anymore? 
Написано Riot77, 11.11.2014 at 14:34
I WAS/AM and WILL wallf**k from turn 0. So let's make things even more clear: I will try to destroy your walls from very start of the game! On the very first move I will make.
It was happening to me all the time from all the way back of old "afterwind", and I accepted it as a part of the game. And now some "higher" levels (that is, soo many premium noobs) started to cry about it that it's unethical... how the f*** is unethical? It's part of the game, everyone can do it and if it's happening to me, I don't cry about it. Get over it.
So please please please stop lying around that this is illegal- it's NOT.
Either make a rule/change the internals of a game and prevent it/ or STFU.
Columna Durruti: I will jump into opponent territory. Every time. End.
This is why everyone hates you. Just because screaming racist slurs at people is constitutionally protected as free speech in the US doesn't mean doing it doesn't make you a dickhead.
Написано RaulPB, 12.11.2014 at 16:29
Написано Riot77, 12.11.2014 at 13:21
Just took a lok in EagleLOL profile - Games abandoned - 42%
Just my point exatly.
I can see you agree with him Waffel: with 57% games abandoned. You should be immediatly banned from atwar.
Acctually everyone else (that wrote after me) are not any better in that matter. None of you are bellow 40%... yes, you are all big experts on *ethics*
That is, you managed (by leaving) to screwed up at least 40% of games you joined. Just so that your "statistics" (hahahaha how pathetic is that!) won't show you lost... so childlish.
And I tought I can reason with some of you that WF is part of the game... what a useless attempt was this on my part.
Okey... pls take a look now on my profile.......
Done? Yes? Come on dont be shy, do it...
Okey... you see like a 14% abandoned games maybe? You think I abandon them for some statistics? That won't change the number of wins I have, which is actually the "most important". For your information, a 25% of the games I have quited were a win but since I was playing with some lower rank, maybe friend maybe unknown, I decided to leave so he could get the sp. The others I leave is cause I lost and didn't care about the sp at all (which I've started doing recently due to having bought all available upgrades).
Okey... looking at your profile you have a lower percentage of wins than me, that means that your wf plan ain't perfect at all, there must be something you lack. Also I can notice the great amount of scenarios you play. It means you're no competitive player. That's why you don't care about being done or doing that 1st turn wf to others. You also are a low rank.... you still need 5 times the sp you already have to reach me! That's a long way and a lot of games. A lot for you to learn as well. I agree, WF is part of the game, also rewalling and many other glitches that should have never been found. But our duty as humans is to differentiate what's wrong and right. Something called ethics right? Wfing your opponent on turn 1 for us is considered rude and disrespectful. By the competitive players ofc. You're a scenario player, I don't pretend you to think the way we do but by stating this opinion that you have you make it very clear that you'll never be competitive and will just stay as a noob. Good for you, it's totally respectable. Just don't come comment on a thread aimed for competitive players or try to be the boss. Ty and hope this wasn't offensive at all for you. No insult at all here. Have a good day.
Mine is 23% But I abandon games a lot when being an adult gets in the way of my gaming life. I have kids, a job, and a family, and can't always finish games.
The term itself is hilarious for me.
When life gives you lemons, sell them and make double the profit.