1)Why in movie allies look op af while nazi look stupid af?
2)Gimme a movie recommend with action or war genre
3)Tell me about Tiananmen massacre
4)Did alien is real?
5)Do u believe earth is flat?
Написано brianwl, 21.07.2021 at 18:07
Two weeks later, they were kissing, full on tongue, in front of me at my best friend's house.

Oh, you poor thing
I would have never done something like that to you!
Написано RaulPB, 21.07.2021 at 18:10
besides, it has always seemed as if there were some sort of curse over whoever got modship: they suddenly became unavailable, grumpy, humourless, oversensitive or insensitive, rough, etc. just to eventually go inactive and never be heard of again.
Croat is an exception to this rule aswell. He is the same person as he was before modship (rough, oversensitive, grumpy, humourless  )
Написано Dave, 21.07.2021 at 19:00
2) Let's say you hypothetically got 20 million dollars but you have to spend all of it in a week, how would you spend the money?
I do not know for brian, But I would start a party and candidate for president in Montenegro, 20mill should be enough for it. Rest of the money I would invest in famous AtWar 2.0 project.
Написано Dave, 21.07.2021 at 19:00
1) What's your favorite movie (and why)?
2) Let's say you hypothetically got 20 million dollars but you have to spend all of it in a week, how would you spend the money?
3) Between Crooked Sid, Mecoy The Terrible, and yourself, which admin should I be the most afraid of?
1 - a few movies compete for 'favourite' but i'll pick the one that has been on my list the longest... Contact (1997, Jodie Foster, Matthew McConaughey) The issue of science vs religion in the context of extraterrestrial investigation is tasteful and mature, within the context of both romantic and political relationships. In addition, it takes a hard look at the commercialization of science research, which i could relate to based on my own experiences. At the personal level, it's about following one's own truth, and never compromising one's principles. There is also a father/daughter bond that is explored, which ties into the extraterrestrial 'contact'. Mix in a few good laughs, some Hollywood cameos, a 'without permission' speech from the president at the time, Bill Clinton, as well as problems that are nearly universal (like dealing with a boss who undermines you at every turn, yet steals all the credit for your hard work.) It all just comes together to make a great movie, even if you don't wonder about life on other planets ♥
Best line: "I'm OK to go!"
2) This is similar to a question i used to ask girls when i wanted to figure out if it was worth pursuing a relationship with them. Ask this of anyone and it reveals a lot. My answer has changed over the years, and now i try to ask myself - would i live any differently if i had unlimited funds. i think if you find a lifestyle you would choose, regardless of wealth, you've found something real and proven you can't be bought or compromised. So if i had 20 million, i'd not change a lot - certainly would still play AW. But the only thing i might want to do with the money is create a 'non-commercial' micro society to demonstrate that there's a more optimal way for people to live, rather than the profit focused commercial system that has forced itself into nearly everyone's lives. If you look at some threads from years ago, i discuss how this would work. AW's "SP system" actually helped inspire an easier way of explaining how a non-commercial economy would work. Oversimplified, it would be similar to SP, but instead of "SP" you would earn credit for contributing to society, such as growing food or constructing homes. All that is needed is a working model so people can see there's a better way of doing things, and so people would have a second option to living in the 'profit at all costs' society we all find ourselves in. So that's what i'd do with the cash... create a self-sustaining community to demonstrate it is feasible... kind of like the Amish or Quakers, only tech friendly and sex positive, without the religious dogma ♥ {Side note to Dave - i still think about how the AW community mirrors how the 'credit' would be tracked... i know you're super busy, but one day if you're interested, i'd love to discuss this with you cuz i think the framework already exists using the AW community as a model.}
3) Hands-down, there's only one answer... Sid.
One word - marine. Fear him.

Hey bro
Do you even lift?
Написано brianwl, 21.07.2021 at 18:33
Your reasons were sound and logical... but the heart always trumps reason ♥
I believe we're still in time to discuss this topic... under some candlelight, holding hands, surrounded by Mallorca's beautiful shore and mountains, caressed gently by the fresh sea breeze, in comfortable linen white clothes, in front of a wooden table holding our beers and dinner, the sun about to declare night officially...
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.
2)Gimme a movie recommend with action or war genre
Have you seen Troy? That scene with the Aegean filled with Greek ships gives some foreshadow:

3)Tell me about Tiananmen massacre
wasn't there so not much i can say that you haven't already heard ♥

4)Did alien is real?
Of course ... most play AW ♥

1. Why do you not have an internet connection in your home?
2. Is it possible to get one?
3. Are you vaccinated?
1... complicated - but short version is bad reception.
2... mobile wifi stick works, but i don't know how to get one - none of canada's main networks seem to offer them for a main service. Ideally i'd like a pay as you go wifi stick with no contract.
3... on my to do list

Link to youtuber porn pls
Link to youtuber porn pls
soz, don't have that ♥

If you had to choose one At War player to date, who would it be and why?
How is it feels like being an allyfag and gang bang new players?
Victory is our fate
Написано Ruse, 23.07.2021 at 16:33
How is it feels like being an allyfag and gang bang new players?
Most players know i always accept requests from lower ranks in the early game when i play world games... just kind of a thing i do cuz i think it's low conduct to gang up on new players. So not sure what to say... you got some bad info if you think i do this.
If i host a game, i usually have one ally, but so few players want this, it's hard to make these games. i'll only change the settings if players insist, or if i'm hosting on behalf of another player who wants particular settings.
So on both counts, you got some bad info ♥

Who is you favorite hockey team? Canadians ask the most important questions.
Написано Taibi, 25.07.2021 at 04:14
Who is you favorite hockey team? Canadians ask the most important questions.
Sadly i grew up in Ontario, so the Leafs. Don't follow them much since university, but will watch a game now and then with friends.

Will you marry me
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
Will you marry me
Worst proposal ever =p
so ... no. ♥

Will you confess your love for Comrade Stalin?
I find the history riveting, but i do not think i love the man the way you love him...

Написано bilawi, 31.07.2021 at 23:23
No probably not ♥

1. What was your mother's maiden name?
2. What is the model of your first vehicle?
3. What is the name of your favorite pet?
Repeal and Replace
1. Smith Wang
2. Yugo
3. Zamroc ♥

1. Tips on how to improve in this game
This was fun. Time to lock though.
Thanks for all who participated - until next time ♥
