Well, if there will be any change, it need to be less controversial than -1 defense.
It will probably help if we avoid any big change, as they are most likely more controversial than small ones. My proposal are:
1) +5 cost. A middle version of 100 and 90 cost Tanks. While tanks are still cheap you cannot spam as much as before. Some people think +5 is useless when, in fact, sometimes you cannot buy an unit by just ~2 coins.
2) -1 range. This makes lot of sense. With Tanks having the same range as General, and with Movement Range both units have 9 range. Some facts:

RA Tank can go from Munich to Rome.
RA Tank can go from Khaviv to Moscow, and even can be mixed with troops from dnep, still reach Moscow. Allows you to get Moscow without trans as RA Ukr.
RA Tank with General can go from Kiev to Bucharest (useful when rushing romania).
RA Tank with General can go from Belgrade to Warsaw (imo best ra serbia move in 3k).
3) -2 critical. This is one of the weakest Nerf we can give to RA. I can't really find any reason that would make anyone disagree with this.
The problem is Relentless Attack being centered around tanks when it shouldnot . A relentless attack shouldnot only depend on tanks
Bring back TG
Tank General : high HP high attack and high def on tank , weak infantry and air units ( low range on tanks and air transport make this strat weak in expansion speed)
Relentless Attack : Tank and bombers have high attack , good range
but low def, low defence in infantry
Nerf ra it's way to op
Написано Htin, 15.02.2016 at 19:25
Nerf ra it's way to op
After last nerf it became crap, especially vs PD
Please implement.