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Сообщение от Sid, 10.12.2020 - 23:52
I only will transfer PC from players who purchased them recently to avoid people abusing me to get people free premium. I'm going to stay vague on purpose because there are several situations where i may or may not transfer PC but they are all with the intention to avoid abusing the system that makes getting PC relatively easy now. But if you purchased PC within a year-ish and didn't spend more than the amount you want to transfer between the time you bought the PC and when you want it transferred, I'll do the trade.

I will transfer any player to any other clan given the following criteria:
  • Both the player and an officer+ in the incoming clan agree
  • It's not within 14 days of the CW season ending
  • I'm not transferring more than a couple people into a single clan at a time.
  • Not transferring the same player multiple times within a few months.

If you want something from me, you might have to ask twice or spam me a bit, I am only periodically at my computer so 90% of my logins are from my phone throughout the day, which I don't do many things from. I won't be upset if you ask something twice or thrice because I'm forgetful as hell.

Also these are done as favors because I can do it, if you are a dick I'm not doing anything for you. These aren't favors I'll just do for my friends but anyone who is nice about it. This is my personal policy and not Dave's or any other admin.
14.04.2021 - 02:41
Написано Asylan, 14.04.2021 at 02:12

Написано comradestalin69, 14.04.2021 at 02:00

Написано Asylan, 13.04.2021 at 13:17

Написано comradestalin69, 13.04.2021 at 12:41

Написано Asylan, 17.12.2020 at 19:58

Kek. You could divide the PCs into two different categories. Transferable/Non-Transferable.

Transferable are earned through Tourney and by buying them.

Non-Transferable are those that are won by SP.

bruh. that would be way worse. think about the ppl who play every day in this game for atleast 2 or 3 hours like a lifeless idiot and say to them that they can't tranfer their pc?

So you support farming? Why would they need to transfer those.

its not farming. if u play a main scenario game like ww1 go as rom and rush otto. the chances of the game ending in just 15mins is almost 40%. so these players usual do here is just chat in the lobby and then wait for the perfect game. 2 or 3 hours is just a min. there are others who stay up all day and night just playing this game. that doen't mean they are playing ONE game. they might be playing many others as well.

So they should use those PCs for themselves, it doesn't have to be transferable. Only reason why you would need to transfer them, would be to farm for someone else.

what do u think someone like lion or mauz or meso or waffel would need to do with the PCs they have. its either give it to jug and watch him bet it all up and evaporate in a jiffy or give it to some low ranks so that they can buy prem and unlock the features that could help boost their scores and also help in bringing more people into the game
The red flag shall rise and the fascists shall be put to their knees.
We shall fight with every last one of us and behead all of the remaining neo nazis and nationalists around the world
Communism shall rise when the time comes
14.04.2021 - 03:37
Yes flame war
15.04.2021 - 07:50
Написано JUGERS2, 11.12.2020 at 18:33

Simple solution would be a way to transfer PC but game keeps a % and we put some serious rank limits of like R10+ only. The % could be as big as 50% commision on small transactions and as low as 30% on transactions of 3k+ PC

hmmm so lets check what u are saying. only available for r10+ which means it will be applicable for u guys. small commisions for big transfers ofc u say that like a fool since u need others pc to bet all on lottery or tourneys and lose as usual. so let me ask what is better. helping non prems get prem for life or watch a kurd bet it all on tourney and lose just to come and beg others for more. u are the one begging others for pc which if given to others would have helped alot of ppl get prem. thats ur problem u want to beg others for their pc and then waste it all on shitty bets and then come here and advocate tht the pc transfer must be exclusive and onli for r10+ which is ridiculous to say the least. and if u want ur rule. the i also propose a new rule
for all the bets in whatever it is there shall be a commission
5-10% on bets below 1.5k
25-40% on bets above 1.5k
if u want ur rues imposed on others. then this must also happen since the only way to stop people from transferring pc is by making the way to earn pc much more riskier (other than from sp and by buying them from protoshop)
The red flag shall rise and the fascists shall be put to their knees.
We shall fight with every last one of us and behead all of the remaining neo nazis and nationalists around the world
Communism shall rise when the time comes
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