Купи премиум версию чтобы скрыть рекламы
Сообщения: 3   Посещен: 15 users
14.07.2015 - 09:07
There was no thread where this would fit, so I am making a new one instead.

I invited many players to play a 3vs3 in HTML. I had nothing but the game tab open, and not only me but also the rest experimented an horrendous lag. The game even disconnected me at step 6 (loading the map). I clicked reload and tried to connect again, this time I was able to take screenshot:

After that we were playing a Europe game with around 6-7 players, everybody was experimenting lag again. Some of us even got disconnected from the servers.
14.07.2015 - 09:09
Yes thats Right..Lag is killing me
14.07.2015 - 09:10
Yeah,The Chat you can't see is olso a pain.....When this happens....
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