12.02.2017 - 00:36
Alright. After some time I figured out how to correctly make Silverlight Map Editor to work, and made my map. I wanted to test my map, and upon clicking "Start New Game", discovered the map could not be found. Here are my questions; 1. Does it take a certain amount of time for a map to sync into the game? 2. If you edit the map, publish it, then edit it again afterward, does that "reset" the counter it may have to sync in? It's been two days. ![]()
16.02.2017 - 12:05
Ask Sun Tze,maybe he can help u
---- It's scary how many possible genocidal war lords play this game, and i could be one of them
16.02.2017 - 15:46
I wish people would look at the ten's of players who have had this issue and complained about it, just look in the map/scenarios bugs forum. http://atwar-game.com/forum/board.php?board_id=200
16.02.2017 - 18:07
@LukeThaCreep Admin(s) have to reset the server for the maps to transfer over and reset. When they do the maps will update and be playable. In a more serious case maybe your game joined the bug like most of ours where map editor simply does not work, but lets hope that isn't the case and all it requires is a server reset in the next 1-2 days.
---- Be Humble
16.02.2017 - 19:24
again, being disagreeable. The more people are aware where to find it, the less this question will be asked.
16.02.2017 - 20:02
Backstory: Zenith went on a rant on skype supporter chat (which can be seen by 10 other supporters, with a clear intent to humiliate (edit: or slander, slight different) me) about how I was disagreeing with him and created a scene. Why am I saying this? Cause I think its best I answer this in public since all you could do was argue like a 10 year old without anything to back him up for restating the same thing in 10 different ways. Answer: People that see this thread will have this issue answered to them. You may say they may look at this in the future, and it could help them. My question is HOW? When do you sit there thinking "Hmm I won't even bother or consider looking on the correct forums for an answer to my question, I should just make a new thread. But wait before I do let me find Zenith's post that I haven't seen yet or know exists so I can go on a forum hunt with his link to find an actual answer to my question." See where your logic is flawed, don't respond with "what?" you can keep up with what I said or your compression skills are worse than I thought. Where as giving the player a direct answer avoids the trouble of them having to go through your link and find the thread(s) they need. Therefore, don't try to humiliate me (edit again: or slander) in supporter chat for helping a player better than you could.
---- Be Humble
16.02.2017 - 20:17
I will provide the log for the supporter chat if needed. I was not trying to humiliate Darkmace in any way on the skype chat. i simply joked he disagreed with me, yet again. Darkmace still thinks he didn't disagree with me, and while his answer was indeed better than mine, he doesn't realize what that his answer has no effect on my accusation. By his saying "- You could just help him with the same amount of words.", he states that I did not help the player. I was annoyed by this, because I did in fact, provide a link to where he could find many answers to his question. His statement that I did not help the player is false, that is what I talked to him about on skype, and he refuses to realize this. He keeps on bringing up the "helping a player better than you could" clause, which as you can see, has no effect on the situation.
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