Купи премиум версию чтобы скрыть рекламы
Сообщения: 2   Посещен: 21 users
27.03.2011 - 11:05

I bought some versions ago, militia.
Today I've played afterwind, and I couldn't create militia; I haven't got the upgrade, and I remember well how I've spent these 4000 points.

Please answer me
27.03.2011 - 11:13
Upgrade pricing and how/when you can buy certain units changes over time. For example, you can buy militia without the upgrade if you're running perfect defense, or you can do the same with stealths if you're running sky menace. It just matters when you show up. I feel sorry that you can't buy militia anymore, but don't panic! with the medals you can get nowadays, you'll be sure to make up that 4k fast!
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