19.04.2014 - 12:23
Like forreal. This game is 1 of those games with the most shitty mods i've ever seen. Mods just muting all the way. Cthulhu talking in room chat like: ''Don't talk about stuff about countries or whatever in roomchat'' > Tik-tok spamming about africans should be shot down or dead or what ever to clear the poorness in the world, > some random rank 7 says shut up tik-tok and gets mute from cthulhu. But what happends to tik-tok? NOTHING. This is really bad... mods just muting everybody BUT their clan members or friends. How is this fair? Mods should be an example for the game, not an enemy just doing nothing else than warning and muting people. I call this abusive behaviour. Isn't room chat open for everything? Finally Vril left, but gg atwar you guys gained Chess! and Cthulhu is muting more than ever! GOODJOB!! -.- But let me guess, this topic wont last longer than 24 hours. and why? because mods dont take ANY critic if its about them. They talk shit about other peoples in forums and thats ''ok'' or ''rule 92347234blabla says we can do this''... such lame stuff forreal. And what are the admins doing about this problem? nothing, just adding some more mods! Whats with this? Do the mods actually think they are better persons then the rest of us? I am really serious now. You are locking people their opinions, you dont let them make forums about what people do wrong? -.- we can't do the same to you, dont you think its a little bit unfair? And when I give the forums my opinion, mods just lock it. How lame like forreal? abusive behaviour. ![]() Cthulhu saying he is better than the rest of us because he is modd. ![]() How can mods do this? I feel harrashed and bullied. :S
19.04.2014 - 12:29
Cthulhu is a best mod if you follow a rules then you would never got any warnings or mute.
19.04.2014 - 12:32
You are complaining about him , right? it would be more recomended to just solve this problem with 'cthulhu' himself rather then making this post. and yes im sure he will listen since he is a great mod.
19.04.2014 - 12:34
That 2nd photo of chat log the bottom is photo shopped so we don't really know if that was his response. Anyways I foresaw this coming the mods used VRIL as an escape as he muted and banned whomever he wanted with their backing. This is a sad truth that the majority of the mods don't joke around and punish people who don't deserve it while over looking others.
19.04.2014 - 12:54
I agree with waffel. #Waffel4Mod
---- "My words are my bullets."-John Lydon ![]() Spart is love
19.04.2014 - 12:55
Second screenshot isnt photoshopped -.- its copy and paste in paint noob. as you can see i copy + pasted the end of my sentence behind it, because I screened without the last part.. So i just copy+pasted it.
19.04.2014 - 12:55
Just PM him about it and if it doesn't go well talk to admins? But Creyente is right, don't publicly 'harass' Take it to Pm
---- It's not the end. ![]()
19.04.2014 - 12:57
Cthulhu abusive? I don't think so he is fair moderator from my perspective
19.04.2014 - 13:00
I tried to talk with him. He doesnt answers the questions why I get muted, or why he does mute, or whatso ever. All he does is : gg end of this conversation... he isn't clearly at all. Sorry but its srsly annoying as fck, Tik-tok was spamming in roomchat about how all africans and people with dark skin should be dead and what ever, only thing cthulhu did was: stop talking about this. me and pendrum say : houwdie mate, > mute. Reason:talk english Like how the fck is this legit?
19.04.2014 - 13:01
And he didnt just mute on global. he muted on every single chat -.- and that for ''not talking english'' and '' making him upset'' I asked "why did I make you upset? : > because you didnt talk english''
19.04.2014 - 13:14
Another one of these threads, huh? I'm going to be blatantly honest: The mods here are fucking fantastic compared to many other games on the internet and beyond. There is no denying that whatsoever. They're also all extremely good people trying to do their best at their job they chose to do for free. Give them so respect, man. They're just human.
19.04.2014 - 13:17
Ok, don't push it. ![]()
19.04.2014 - 13:21
My opinion:
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19.04.2014 - 13:24
I guess I have to work on my sarcasm ![]()
19.04.2014 - 13:40
And I have to work on my capacity of getting it. Just felt like Sheldon Cooper.
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19.04.2014 - 15:43
hi!im khal nice to meet you ![]()
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19.04.2014 - 15:50
Are you sarcastic about being sarcastic?Because that "smutch" sound, sounded like asskissing and not sarcasm.. ![]()
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19.04.2014 - 16:03
Yeh, and I have no problem with you or caulerpa, You both know that, ofc i said some things towards you which could be agressive or something, but those mutes/bans/warnings etc. were legit, but like I said before about vril, he just abused his modpowers, and ofc there are some (buttlickers) who just say i overreact and what ever, but like you said:
19.04.2014 - 16:26
It's really none of your concern.He done a right thing.
19.04.2014 - 16:26
Enough of this! Waffel how many games you played with Cthulhu? One? None? And you are talking shit about him? You know him so well? Let me tell something he is one of the best persons on aw! He is also a great opponent and team player! He helped hundreds and hundreds of players, teached them, gave ideas, suggestions, left many games to help unknown players. Also he is one of the most polite people i know in here. Never argued with anyone, never insulted anyone, there isn't a single bad spot you can find. Next, he is a great friend, i know him in real life too, we speak about other things not just aw. Pretty cool and great person, and i suggest everyone to meet him, you don't know what you are losing. He is way longer on aw then you and many players in here know him, no one will tell you that he is bad! Ask the former players from the begging of aw. He is a kind of person with which you can speak always and even things out. Every time he is online he search for abuses and stops every conflict in the lobby even if i ask him to come and play. You and many others abuse global, spam on chat and do so many things to troll, i saw that so many damn times. He has NEVER abused mod position! He got respect of good players and good persons in here. I'm sick of players which are hunting for mistakes of the mods, run like a kid to the forum and write a topic to get popularity and importance for himself. And i will tell all of you trollers once again LET HIM ALONE.
---- "There is a hero in all of us"
19.04.2014 - 16:41
Just saw that post lol.tito really got 999 mute?i dislike him, but still sounds a little harsh lol..
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19.04.2014 - 16:52
I saw many insults, about his mother and rude words. I agree it's too much 999, but insults are forbidden. Many players kept pm-ing him and saying rude words, but he didn't make ss, like others for every single minute. Khal you know how trollers act these days
---- "There is a hero in all of us"
19.04.2014 - 17:04
i have no idea about trollers i dont know what you talking about ![]()
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19.04.2014 - 17:06
I wont waste my time reading all comments but i know what this is about. Cthulhu is a very good guy and one of the best mods here ok. He is always willing to help you and answer you any question unlike some other mods who feel like you are not worthy for them to answer you questions. Idk what others may say about cthulhu because i know how he is and what mod he is. He does his job 5/5 and i give him right in this issue. From some comments i read he abbused mod rights!!! Seriously?! If there is a mod who didnt abused his right is cthulhu. He is fair. Its not easy for a mod to satisfy all players or to be fair with all players, this is true, but i know cthulhu does his best to satisfy all players and be fair with all of them. So stop bitching about cthulhu and stop trying making him look bad. Everyone loves him and i got his back on this matter. Thanks
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19.04.2014 - 17:07
I support Ctulhu in how he treated waffel, but i think muting andartes 999 was too far.
19.04.2014 - 17:12
You know in my experience there are only two types of topics that will get locked or deleted on forums, the first are ones that are out of date or redundant, and the second are ones which call out a player (usually a mod) for something that really is of no relevance to the wider community (like this thread imo.) I think you are entitled to your opinion on mods but see no use in making a massive issue out of something that is more your own issue, the vast majority of AW users have no care for who the mods are and will never need to come across them unless in game. Creyente and MoU are right on this one you should probably talk more with Cthulu or even another mod about your concerns rather then make this a bigger issue then it needs to be.
19.04.2014 - 17:15
I believe this, and this forum wasn't specialy for cthulhu or something. its just more that he muted me today for talking english.. And he didnt give me the reason and didnt even let me talk it out? ...
19.04.2014 - 17:33
Ok guys commando noob got his back.we can all rest Cthulhu is safe now xD
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