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05.06.2021 - 13:00
Previous turn paste: https://pastebin.com/8F8AHdL5
[Turn 1 Phase 2] January 2023



1. Fundraising
Roll; 8+2=10
2. Research polls
3. Speech
4. Move to New York [1 energy]
5. Do fundraising [1 energy]
6. Build Campaign HQ
HQ built in New York
7. Move to California [1 energy]
8. Do fundraising [1 energy]
All topic popularity research poll in California
Give Interview [1 energy]
- Questions to WD for interveiw in California:
3. Are you Pro-life??
2. Do you support Transgender Individuals Serving in the Military?
3. Do you support Universal Health Care?
4. Do you support Green New Deal?
9. Move to Michigan [1 energy]
10. All topic popularity research poll in Michigan
11. Do fundraising
Positive TV ads in California, Washington, Illinois, Pennsylvania

Rest to be updated, a lot of RL obligations this week.

05.06.2021 - 13:00

Democratic candidates:

Bernie Sanders - Zoella
Good Orator
Home state: Vermont
Energy: 10
Money: 1,000,000$
Campaign HQ: not build
Positive TV ads:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Deleted.ITSGG
Good Orator
Home state: Florida
Energy: 10
Money: 1,000,000$
Campaign HQ: not build
Positive TV ads:

Steven Armstrong - Witch-Doctor
Business Man
Home state: Colorado
Energy: 10
Money: 1,500,000$
Campaign HQ: not build
Positive TV ads:

Joe Ball - Mobster
Political Family
Home state: California
Energy: 10
Money: 1,000,000$
Campaign HQ: not build
Positive TV ads:

Republican candidates:

Chad Brunswick - The_Empirezz
Good Orator
Home state: Pennsylvania
Energy: 10
Money: 1,000,000$
Campaign HQ: not build
Positive TV ads:

Alex jones - Spicer Sean
Good Orator
Home state: Texas
Energy: 10
Money: 1,000,000$
Campaign HQ: not build
Positive TV ads:

Nero Smith - Nero
Political Family
Home state: New Jersey
Energy: 10
Money: 1,000,000$
Campaign HQ: not build
Positive TV ads:

Dennis Hof - babaracus
Business Man
Home state: Nevada
Energy: 10
Money: 1,500,000$
Campaign HQ: not build
Positive TV ads:

Spicer Sean

05.06.2021 - 13:00
Actions that Players can take in their current location:

Fundraising [Requires 1 energy]

2 dice roll determines the amount you raise. You can't have fundraising in the same state more than once per turn!

2,3,4 = 400,000
5 = 500,000
6 = 600,000
7 = 700,000
8 = 800,000
9 = 900,000
10 = 1,000,000
11 = 1,100,000
12 = 1,200,000
13 = 1,300,000
14 = 1,400,000

Give Speech [Requires 1 energy]

You will give speech about 3 topics, and express your stance on them.

For speech, you will gain support points (SP) in state according to the following equation:

SP=(30 dice roll)/10*(sum % of your party+1/2*independents+1/20*opposing party that prioritize the topics)*(sum % of your party+1/2*independents+1/20*opposing party that support your stance on the topics)

Give Interview [Requires 1 energy]

You will be interviewed about 4 random questions(topics), with given reply options.

For each separate topic, you will gain support points (SP) in state according to the following equation:

SP=(30 dice roll)/10*(sum % of your party+1/2*independents+1/20*opposing party that prioritize the questions)*(sum % of your party+1/2*independents+1/20*opposing party that support your answers to the questions)

Move to a different state [Requires 1 energy]

Tell the state you want to travel to.

Actions Players can take in any State:

Positive TV Ads[Requires 250,000$ and 50,000$ per turn to continue running them (they can be runned until primary/election)

Choose the state where you want to run ads.

Support points you will gain per turn based on these ads will be calculated by the following equation:

SP=5*(% of your party+1/2*independents+1/20*opposing party affiliated in state)

Positive Radio Ads cost half of that and are half as effective.^

Negative TV Ads [Requires 500,000$ to run, can't be extended]

Choose opponent and state where you want to run negative ads.

Amount of support points your opponent will lose is:

SP=-2 dice roll

Negative Radio Ads cost half of that and are half as effective.^

Try finding dirt[Requires 100,000$]

Try to find dirt on your opponent, then use it to blackmail him or expose him in public.

Amount of support points your opponent will lose is:

try = 10 * dice 10 sided roll
10-30 - People discovered your unethical behaviour! -2 SP in every state, and additional -3 in home state.
30-50 - The opponent you tried to find dirt on finds out. He can use it in his next speech in any state. If he does, +3 SP for him -5 SP for you in state that he used.
80-100 - You discover your opponent's scandalous behaviour. Roll for dirt strength follows:

Dirt strength = 1 dice roll
1 -4 SP in one random state
2- -4 SP in two random states
3- -4 SP in two chosen states
4- -4 SP in three random states
3- -2 SP in every state

You can use dirt whenever you want, or trade it for money or some other deal!

Campaign HQ[1 million]

Gain 10 SP in state every turn until elections. Can have only one.

Research Polls

State level:
All topics popularity within state (and % of republicans, democrats and Independents which find topics important) - 100,000$
Voter Intention - 50,000$

National level:
All topics popularity within the country(and % of republicans, democrats and Independents which find topics important) - 1,000,000$
Support of particular stances/opinions of one topic - 100,000$ (to see how the % of support that certain stances/opinions have, depending on party alignment)

All data except voter intention is fixed and doesn't change, once you pay for it, you have it until the end of the game.

05.06.2021 - 13:00
Starting traits:

1. Businessman
+500,000$ starting money
+2 to the Fundraising roll
-1 to the negative TV ads roll against you
+10 to the finding dirt roll against you

2. Good orator
+30 to speeches and interviews rolls (+3 effective when divided by 10)
+1 to the negative TV ads roll against you

3. From political family
All state level research polls are 50% cheaper. Nation level polls are 25% cheaper.
+10 to the finding dirt roll against opponents
Campaign HQ is 50% cheaper

4. Young candidate
Starting energy: 12
Until turn 12:
-2 to the Fundraising roll
-20 to Speech and Interview roll (-2 effective when divided by 10)
+1 to the negative TV ads against opponents roll, -1 roll against you.
-20 to finding dirt roll against opponents
After turn 12:
Energy: 6 (others will have 5)
+1 to the Fundraising roll
+10 to Speeches and Interviewes roll (+1 effective when divided by 10)

Support points
Candidate's popularity in each state is measured by the amount of support points he has. In post above, you see al the ways to collect them. At the elections (doesn't matter if it is primary or general election), % of votes is determined by player's amount of support points divided by total sum of support points each candidate has in certain state.

Primary elections
All primary elections will be proportional system elections, with a threshold of 15%.

Party affiliation by state (Will remain fixed until the end of the game)]

StateRepublican/lean Rep.No leanDemocrat/lean Dem.
District of Columbia11%15%73%
New Hampshire35%20%44%
New Jersey30%19%51%
New Mexico37%15%48%
New York28%19%53%
North Carolina41%17%43%
North Dakota50%18%33%
Rhode Island30%22%48%
South Carolina43%18%39%
South Dakota53%10%37%
West Virginia43%16%41%

Topics and specific stances/opinions

Economic Opinions

Minimum Wage
Increased Government Spending to Improve the Economy
Cutting Taxes to Improve the Economy
Universal Basic Income
Labor Unions
Green New Deal

Education Opinions

Teacher Salaries
Free Community College
Universal Preschool
Free College Tuition
School Choice
Funding for Science
Arming Public School Teachers with Guns

Tax Opinions

Tax Rates for Low Income Households
Tax Rates for Middle Income Households
Tax Rates for Upper Income Households
Flat Income Tax
Carbon Tax
Wealth Tax

Poverty Opinions

Government Aid to the Poor
Income Inequality
Social Security
Federal Food Stamps Program
Universal Basic Income

Gun and Crime Opinions

Universal Background Checks
Deadly-Force (Stand-Your-Ground) Laws
Stricter Gun Control Laws
Banning High Capacity Magazines
Banning Assault Weapons
Legalizing the Recreational Use of Cannibis (Marijuana)
Abolishing the Death Penalty
Ban on the Sale of Handguns
Regulating the Sale of Guns to Individuals with a Mental Illness
Creating a Federal Database to Track Gun Sales
Allowing Conceal Carry in More Places
Arming Public School Teachers with Guns
Decreasing the Waiting Period for Buying a Gun
Allowing Conceal Carry without a Permit

Health Opinions

Universal Health Care
Medicaid Expansion
Single-Payer Health Care System
Public Health Care Option
Regulating Prescription Drug Prices
Allowing People Between the Ages of 50 - 64 to Buy Medicare
Prohibiting Insurance Companies from Denying Coverage to Individuals with Pre-existing Medical Conditions
Prohibiting Insurance Companies from Denying Coverage to Pregnant Women
Prohibiting Insurance Companies from Charging Sick Individuals Higher Premiums than Healthy Individuals
Requiring Insurance Companies to Cover the Cost of Most Preventative Services
Prohibiting Insurance Companies from Setting a Limit on How Much Health Care Coverage They will Provide over a Person's Lifetime

Environment and Energy Opinions

Believe Climate Change is Caused by Humans
Believe Climate Change is Caused by Nature
Do Not Believe in Climate Change
Climate Control Policies to Help Reduce Global Warming
Limiting Emissions from Power Plants
Reducing Carbon Emissions
Solar Energy Production
Wind Energy Production
Natural Gas Production
Oil Production
Nuclear Power Production
Coal Power Production
Developing Alternative Fuel Sources
Opening Federal Lands for Oil Exploration
Increasing Fuel Efficiency Standards for Vehicles
Carbon Tax
Green New Deal
Use of Fossil Fuels

Military Opinions

Military Size
Transgender Individuals Serving in the Military
Immigration Opinions
Border Security
Pathway to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants
Immigration Visas
Legislation that Would Deny U.S. Citizenship to Children Born in the U.S., if their Parents are not U.S. Citizens
Legal Resident Status for Immigrants Brought to the Country Illegally as Children

Abortion Opinions

Illegalizing Abortion
Defunding Pregnancy Clinics that Perform Abortions

Same Sex Marriage Opinions

Same-Sex Marriage
Marriage Benefits for Same-Sex Couples

Democratic primaries delegate allocation:

Republican primaries delegate allocation:

Primaries calendar:
For my easier time, both Democrats and Republicans will have the same primaries calendar.

Turn 15 Turn 16 Turn 17
Iowa South Carolina Alabama
New Hampshire Nevada Alaska
North Dakota
North Carolina
Turn 18 Turn 19 Turn 20
Wisconsin New York
Arizona Connecticut
Utah Delaware
Rhode Island
Turn 21 Turn 22 Turn 23
Indiana Oregon California
Nebraska Washngton Montana
West Virginia New Jersey
New Mexico
South Dakota


To participate in debate, you do not spend money nor energy, but you must be in a state where the debate is hosted. You can travel to that state the same turn when debate happens, or you can already be here.

Debate is consisted of 5 random topics, out of which all candidates will be asked if they support/oppose 2 random stances/opinions. Debate influences whole country, and SP gained in every states is calculated based on the following equation:

SP=(20 dice roll)/10*(% of your party+1/2*independents+1/20*opposing party that prioritize the topic)*(% of your party+1/2*independents+1/20*opposing party that support your first stance on the topic)*(% of your party+1/2*independents+1/20*opposing party that support your second stance on the topic)
(one roll for all states, different other factors depending on each individual state)

There will be 6 primary, 3 presidental election and 1 vice presidental election debate.
Both Democratic and Republican primary debates will be held in the same state, to make it easier for me to follow up with everything.

Debate Schedule

Democratic and Republican Party presidental debates

Turn 6 - Nevada
Turn 8 - New Hampshire
Turn 10 - Texas
Turn 12 - Ohio
Turn 14 - New York
Turn 15 - Florida

Presidental election debates

Turn 30 - Tennnessee
Turn 31 - Utah
Turn 32 - Michigan

Vice presidental debate

Turn 31 - California

All rolls will be done on official AtWar discord server. There is a separate chat for AtWar forum games aswell.

05.06.2021 - 13:13
Bernie Sanders
Good Orator
05.06.2021 - 15:48
Chad Brunswick
Good Orator
05.06.2021 - 15:48
Alex Jones
Good orator
Happiness = reality - expectations
05.06.2021 - 22:56
 Witch-Doctor (Мод)
Steven Armstrong
Business Man
05.06.2021 - 23:09
Nero Smith
New Jersey
Political Family
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
06.06.2021 - 06:48
 Mobster (Мод)
Joe Ball
From political family
07.06.2021 - 03:57
We will start tonight if no one else registers.

07.06.2021 - 05:14
Im gonna register, but i gotta read up.
Is this based on rl candidates? is this for presidency?
Imma go for AOC will put some characteristics etc/
07.06.2021 - 05:52
Написано ITSGG1122, 07.06.2021 at 05:14

Im gonna register, but i gotta read up.
Is this based on rl candidates? is this for presidency?
Imma go for AOC will put some characteristics etc/

You have all the info on topic, read up.

07.06.2021 - 13:37
Dennis Hof
07.06.2021 - 14:46
Написано Oleg, 07.06.2021 at 05:52

Написано ITSGG1122, 07.06.2021 at 05:14

Im gonna register, but i gotta read up.
Is this based on rl candidates? is this for presidency?
Imma go for AOC will put some characteristics etc/

You have all the info on topic, read up.

alexandria ocasio-cortez
good orator
07.06.2021 - 15:14
Ok, we will start in next few hours. Still not late for others to join.

07.06.2021 - 16:34
Im going to turn florida blue and win election in a landslide
07.06.2021 - 19:21
 Witch-Doctor (Мод)
Do fundraising in Colorado.
Do research poll about All topics popularity within Colorado
Give speech in Colorado

I'll do the rest of my turn after getting the research poll back.
07.06.2021 - 20:05
 Mobster (Мод)
My turn:
1. Do fundraising in California (1 energy)
2. Research in California:
-All topics popularity within state (50,000$)
-Voter Intention (25,000$)
3- Build Campaign HQ in California (500,000$)
4-Give Interview in California (1 energy)
5- Move to Nevada (1 energy)
6- Research in Nevada:
-All topics popularity within state (50,000$)
-Voter Intention (25,000$)
7- Do fundraising in Nevada (1 energy)
8- Give speech in Nevada about: (1 energy)
-Encourage Expanding Nuclear Power Production
-Discourage Oil Production
-Encourage Single-Payer Health Care System
9- Give Interview in Nevada (1 energy)
10-Move to Texas (1 energy)
11- Research in Texas:
-All topics popularity within state (50,000$)
-Voter Intention (25,000$)
12- Do fundraising in Texas (1 energy)
13- Give speech in Texas about: (1 energy)
-Encourage Expanding Nuclear Power Production
-Discourage Oil Production
-Encourage Single-Payer Health Care System
14- Give interview in Texas (1 energy)
15- Start running Positive TV Ads in Texas (250,000$)
07.06.2021 - 20:08
First, I want to move to a different state (Florida) [1 energy]

Then, I want to do fundraising in Florida [1 energy]

I will give a speech on the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, shark attacks, and mental health in Tampa. My stances are as follow: Radical Islamic terrorism is one of the biggest threats we face as a nation because it is an existential threat. Therefore, we should re-open Guantanamo bay and set up a new torture base in Key West. Furthermore, shark attacks have killed one too many Floridians, and I will propose a nationwide shark ban that will reward anyone who kills a shark with $500. Finally, we must take an unorthodox approach to the problems this nation faces about mental health. Upon entering office, I would propose a massive infrastructure bill to construct offshore rooms to house people with mental health issues so they do not affect the population. This will also serve to reduce homelessness since most homeless people have mental health issues. [1 energy]

One day after my speech, I will give an interview [provide me with 4 random questions with given reply options? 1 energy]

I will run a positive campaign ad in Florida [$250,000 or $50,000?]

Now, I will move to a different state (Georgia) [1 energy]

Then, I will do fundraising in Georgia [1 energy]

I will run a positive campaign ad in Georgia [$250,000 or $50,000?]

Now, I will move to a different state (North Carolina) [1 energy]

I will do fundraising in North Carolina [1 energy]

I will give a speech focusing primarily on abortion, but also incest and offshore oil drilling. My stances are as follow: abortion should be made ILLEGAL. If someone is caught getting an abortion, under my administration, she would be fined $15,000 and be forced to pay for the baby's funeral. She will also be forced to attend the baby's funeral and do 200 hours of community service. I hold a very strong stance on abortion because I view it as genocide. This must come to an end and laws must be made. If the Supreme Court does not agree with this would-be national law, then I will pack the Supreme Court with justices who understand my view. Moving onto another issue, I will make a federal executive agency to deal with the problem of incest that we face in America. A lot of our states get a bad reputation about incest and we must have a federal investigative agency charged with actively criminalizing this egregious practice. I will also encourage more offshore drilling to bring wealth and prosperity to ya'll North Carolinians! [1 energy]

Now, I will move to a different state (Ohio) [1 energy]
Happiness = reality - expectations
08.06.2021 - 07:17
What time each turn ends?
08.06.2021 - 07:23
Написано ITSGG1122, 08.06.2021 at 07:17

What time each turn ends?

When you all do your turn.

08.06.2021 - 07:56
Guys, please do your turn in one message/post.

I will do all rolls and polls and send you interview questions after you all post your turns.

08.06.2021 - 08:07
Написано Tribune Aquila, 07.06.2021 at 20:08

Sean, i really appreciate your RP aspect of the game, but please, when you do speech, write it as follows:
"I do speech, on next topics and stances:
Education , I support increasing teachers salaries
Health, I oppose Universal Health Care
Same-sex marriages, I support them."
This is just an example, you can do RP after that, but it is just impossible for me to see what stances and topics you do speech on and I can't calculcate anything...

08.06.2021 - 12:58
Starting with 10 energy and $1 million

Fundraise in NJ [1 energy]
Give interview [1 energy]
Give speech about Illegalizing Abortion, Regulating Prescription Drug Prices, and Allowing Conceal Carry in More Places [1 energy]
Build a campaign HQ in NJ [$500,000]
Move to PA [1 energy]
Fundraise in PA [1 energy]
Give interview in PA [1 energy]
Give speech about Coal Power Production, Defunding Pregnancy Clinics that Perform Abortions, and Cutting Taxes to Improve the Economy [1 energy]
Run positive TV ads in NJ and Iowa [$500,000]
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
08.06.2021 - 14:50
First: speech : i support lower tax rates for lower incomes, universal health care, strict gun control laws. 1 energy
Second: run a positive TV- ad in Florida 250k, and keep it running : 0 energy
Third: give an interview in Florida: 1 energy
Fourth: do a fundraising in Florida : 1 energy.
Fifth: move to another state > California : 1 energy
Sixth: run a positive TV- ad in California 250k, and keep it running : 0 energy
Seventh: do a fundraising in California: 1 energy
Eight: move to Arizona : 1 energy
Ninth: do a fundraising in Arizona: 1 energy
Tenth: run a positive TV- ad in Arizona 250k, and keep it running: 0 energy
Eleventh: move to New York: 1 energy
12th: do a fundraising in New York: 1 energy
13th: run a positive TV- ad in New York 250k, and keep it running: 0 energy
14th: move to Texas : 1 energy

-edited my turn
08.06.2021 - 15:07
Chad Brunswick 2024
''The Brunswick campaign will bring back jobs and opportunities to the rustbelt. My fellow Americans of the rustbelt, you are not forgotten.''

Give interview in Pennsylvania [1 energy]
Give speech about: Cutting Taxes to Improve the Economy, in favour of use of Fossil Fuels, Strong Opposition to Carbon Tax [1 energy]
Fundraise in Pennsylvania [1 energy]
Move to Ohio [1 energy]
Give interview in Ohio [1 energy]
Give speech about: Increasing Teacher Salaries, in favour of use of Fossil Fuels, Cutting Taxes to Improve the Economy [1 energy]
Fundraise in Ohio [1 energy]
Move to Michigan [1 energy]
give speech about: Cutting Taxes to Improve the Economy, in favour of use of Fossil Fuels, in favour of Deadly-Force (Stand-Your-Ground) Laws [1 energy]
Fundraise in Michigan [1 energy]
Run positive Radio ads in Ohio [$125,000]
Run positive TV ads in California [$250,000]
Run positive Radio ads in Michigan [$125,000]
Research poll California [$100,000]
08.06.2021 - 16:18
Dennis Hof 2024 -- I can't be bought!
Tired of getting f#cked by Washington Bureaucrats who take away our liberties, control our lives, and ship our jobs to China? I'll get the government off our backs once and for all. America: there's a new pimp in town.

- Give speech in Nevada: in favor of Cutting Taxes to Improve the Economy; in favor of Allowing Conceal Carry without a Permit; in favor of Border Security [1 energy]
- Fundraise in Nevada [1 energy]
- Build campaign HQ in Nevada [$1,000,000]
- Move to Iowa [1 energy]
- Give interview in Iowa [1 energy]
- Fundraise in Iowa [1 energy]
- Move to Florida [1 energy]
- Give speech in Florida: in favor of Social Security; in favor of Cutting Taxes to Improve the Economy; in favor of Arming Public School Teachers with Guns [1 energy]
- Fundraise in Florida [1 energy]
- Run positive TV ads in Florida [$250,000]
- Move to Texas [1 energy]
- Fundraise in Texas [1 energy]
- Run positive TV ads in Texas [$250,000]
09.06.2021 - 01:23
 Mobster (Мод)
I updated my moves in this turn.
09.06.2021 - 11:43
We are waiting for zoella and Sean, if they do not do their turn in next 8 hours I will kick them out. 3 is enough for both parties.

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