Написано Goblin, 31.12.2013 at 05:40
Написано Tundy, 29.12.2013 at 13:30
Thing is, I don't like 3 vs 3, because as soon as you try to do something NEW, people starting bitching at you.
if it works you get told that is stupid and risky, if it doesn't they hate you for it.
*cough* turkey blitz *cough* ;/
Like me trying and making 3k europe duel games without extra cities or EU+ because i find them more balanced.
- you joining my duel which you could see is not EU+
- then calling me a faggot for not making extra cities ...which im by the way amazed everyone is allergic to. Newsflash 100+ doesnt mean it's automaticly better.
- saying im scared of "your ukraine" and ...yeah im a faggot also for not maing EU+
1. im not scared of no one in this game and while i play semi seriously nowdays i think i have proven myself enough in this game
2. i see you are Tunder ...umm yeah, that name associates me with forum crap and nothing more
3. ukraine in 3k? ...genius.
4. when you call someone a faggot, you have no right to get upset and get all "ignore list for you" on me because i told you to "suck a cock".
btw. funny thing is i was just about to rep you for joining my duel when i looked at your "your a faggot goblin" message ...so your not only rude idiot who without provocation from my side, insult me, but you are also a hypocrite for talking about new things, then bitching about it when i make one.
And lastly i would like to apologize again to real Unleashed for my global rage last night ...i didnt realize it was Tunder.
lol it was a joke, personally i would never do something like that, but i didn't wanted to break out of character.