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Сообщения: 3   Посещен: 36 users
15.06.2017 - 18:39
No such thing as a good girl, you are just not the right guy.

16.06.2017 - 23:53
Аккаунт удален
It's a known fact that women dk football. Nice mocking of Serbians!
17.06.2017 - 09:35
Написано Black Swans, 15.06.2017 at 18:39

How dare you talk about football barbarian inbreds. Bosnia played Greece recently and when they failed to win the match started fighting like ghetto niggers. Bosniak illiterate farmer Djeko started a brawl and the assistant Bosniak coach actually punched a respected and established Roma player in the face breaking his teeth.


Again, Greece tries to play a civilised football match with barbarian balkanoids and results in a thug fight. Then you wonder why nobody likes you and dont want you in Europe. Go back to Turkey where you belong, you can fight all day there.
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