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Сообщения: 1   Посещен: 20 users
08.07.2018 - 08:23

I'm making a new "World Map", or "Mappa Mundi".

The reason to me post here too, is that im putting the map with permission to "COPY" and modify the map and put your cities and units.

The only thing, is that I'm making the borders yet. The map is being updated yet.

Here is a preview of the map:

To find the map, search for "Modern World Empires".

You will find the map "Modern World Empires by Username_".

The only thing as I said, is that the map is under construction yet. The borders are being maked, the cities are being created and the units are being adding.

Is a good, bigger and detailed map.

I'm making the South America country borders yet.

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