Написано Dave, 16.07.2019 at 23:15
Imo, like Isilorien you should enforce supporters to at least try to host a minimum number of games (whatever number you'd think is sufficient) because back when I was on the team I struggled trying to keep hosting drop games each week to meet our budget alone mainly because of my work schedule conflicting with that. Honestly the supporters don't even need to play the games as long as they can get them going and spend at least invest 1 hour to ensure a game gets started, whether it be beginners or main I think that'll be a necessity to entice more activity on game. Also the drop games helped so much because not only did it help introduce people to new maps that players had been working on, it also gave players incentives because the SP helps lower ranks get necessary upgrades they need and it helps non-prems get PC's that they can use for whatever they want. Also the most important thing being they are fun to engage in(which is the most important thing for players is to enjoy themselves).
The lack of drop games now is pretty crazy, I still float around the game to see what new shit goes on and it's crazy because I only see Hdrakon hosting drop games occasionally which is quite the deviation from how it was back when I was still supporter.
If any of this proves hard to implement at the very LEAST bring back Hellykin's support a noob program. It was such a good idea for the time it had been going on and it granted some new players premium for a time to get a taste of what it was like, it sucks the idea ended up falling flat because he hadn't been hosting it again. I think the support a noob program should at least be apart of the supporter's standard to at least get one going a month
That's just my constructive take on the situation, but make of that what you will. I honestly think if things were going now how they were maybe 3-4 months ago the game would be in a better place to say the least, I hope you consider my points
It's difficult to "enforce" when people are volunteering their time.... I can ask but that's about it. Or else I do what, demote them? We did recently demote a few who were clearly inactive but that alone doesn't make more activity happen. As always some supporters put in more effort than others, that's just the way it is. I do know (and appreciate) you were one of the ones who put in a lot during your time.
I do agree with your points though. There's definitely a lack of drops going on. The support a noob program was a good thing and I'm not sure why it stopped... I'll encourage Helly to do it again if he has time, or if he doesn't have time maybe someone else can take it up.
I also have an idea I don't want to say too much about yet, but I think there may be ways we can reward supporters for being active that might encourage them to help out more. It's something I'm thinking about anyway.
I stopped doing it because of high ranks using the invite link to troll. Then they sat in spectator and harrassed the newbies. It was stressful to maintain without constent moderator supervision.
We are not the same- I am a Martian.
Hope you'll push that game in steam. Amok and Ivan have rejected this several times, because they wouldn't share their revenue. But steam has tens of thousands of potential customers when I look at the games like EU4 or HOI4.
"War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means."
― Carl von Clausewitz
As far as Dave's administration goes, I'm not going to go out and scream "Dave ruined atWar" or anything, but it feels like he hasn't really done anything decisive... I don't know how much time he's investing on improving the game, but it doesn't seem to bear any fruit. To being with, the two requests/suggestions I've made to him since he bought the game (Namely, an advanced tutorial and fixing the maps that are currently unplayable due to errors) were, from my point of view, thoroughly ignored. He tried to adds some strats but, really, do people truly care about new strats? Who was truly excited about learning that insurgency or that industrial whatever came out?
As for the number of players staying around after joining the game, there's a number of steps that can be taken to improve that. First off, an advanced tutorial, what I asked for long ago, would much better integrate people into the game. The unbearable low ranks that don't even wall their cities would be non-existent, and leaver/wallfucker numbers would be greatly culled. This would make both beginner lobby games much more fun, and would help beginner lobby people with integrating into main lobby.
When it comes to actually getting already-active and contributing players to stay as such... I have little knowledge of fields aside my own community (scenario players) so I'll only comment on that. First let's take a good look at the map editor:
It is a mess. For real. Non-mapmakers might not be aware of the true extent of the map editor's descent into oblivion, but because I hang out with people who have made lots of maps, and because I've tapped into the map editor myself, I can tell you that only someone with nerves of steel can make anything worthwhile with it. Borders disappearing after you spending hours on drawing them (Take a look at Pyrrhus' RotK scenario. You see Harad, in the bottom-right of the map? That border was deleted twice, and had to be redrawn twice, before the map registered it), maps suffering errors just because you edited them (The fate of Aetius and Pyrrhus' Rise of Rome 4 scenario, it was restored, but only a week after the event; You can't have a healthy, developing mapmaker community when whatever change you make in a map takes a week to register, how are you supposed to do tests?), to the fact that the HTML5 map editor is WORSE than the silverlight one (You can't add event units to neutrals, WD's WW2 map would've been impossible to make in the new editor). It is still possible to get a functional and worthwhile map but it feels like the game is trying to punish you for trying.
Onto the players now... I've already ranted about how WW1fags are a destructive force bent on destroying atWar plenty of times so I won't bother with that. Aside from that, there's a problem with rankism too. Obviously if a r5 suddenly joins as Germany in a WW2 game they'll be kicked, but people tend to kick people out of sports simply if there's a better person spectating, which is disgusting and very counter-productive for the game. High ranks also tend to pick the small countries meant for low ranks first, while the low ranks themselves tend to choose the high-rank countries first, leading to disaster.
Someone Better Than You
As far as Dave's administration goes, I'm not going to go out and scream "Dave ruined atWar" or anything, but it feels like he hasn't really done anything decisive... I don't know how much time he's investing on improving the game, but it doesn't seem to bear any fruit. To being with, the two requests/suggestions I've made to him since he bought the game (Namely, an advanced tutorial and fixing the maps that are currently unplayable due to errors) were, from my point of view, thoroughly ignored. He tried to adds some strats but, really, do people truly care about new strats? Who was truly excited about learning that insurgency or that industrial whatever came out?
As for the number of players staying around after joining the game, there's a number of steps that can be taken to improve that. First off, an advanced tutorial, what I asked for long ago, would much better integrate people into the game. The unbearable low ranks that don't even wall their cities would be non-existent, and leaver/wallfucker numbers would be greatly culled. This would make both beginner lobby games much more fun, and would help beginner lobby people with integrating into main lobby.
When it comes to actually getting already-active and contributing players to stay as such... I have little knowledge of fields aside my own community (scenario players) so I'll only comment on that. First let's take a good look at the map editor:
It is a mess. For real. Non-mapmakers might not be aware of the true extent of the map editor's descent into oblivion, but because I hang out with people who have made lots of maps, and because I've tapped into the map editor myself, I can tell you that only someone with nerves of steel can make anything worthwhile with it. Borders disappearing after you spending hours on drawing them (Take a look at Pyrrhus' RotK scenario. You see Harad, in the bottom-right of the map? That border was deleted twice, and had to be redrawn twice, before the map registered it), maps suffering errors just because you edited them (The fate of Aetius and Pyrrhus' Rise of Rome 4 scenario, it was restored, but only a week after the event; You can't have a healthy, developing mapmaker community when whatever change you make in a map takes a week to register, how are you supposed to do tests?), to the fact that the HTML5 map editor is WORSE than the silverlight one (You can't add event units to neutrals, WD's WW2 map would've been impossible to make in the new editor). It is still possible to get a functional and worthwhile map but it feels like the game is trying to punish you for trying.
Onto the players now... I've already ranted about how WW1fags are a destructive force bent on destroying atWar plenty of times so I won't bother with that. Aside from that, there's a problem with rankism too. Obviously if a r5 suddenly joins as Germany in a WW2 game they'll be kicked, but people tend to kick people out of sports simply if there's a better person spectating, which is disgusting and very counter-productive for the game. High ranks also tend to pick the small countries meant for low ranks first, while the low ranks themselves tend to choose the high-rank countries first, leading to disaster.
A good solution to your final piece would be to allow individual countries to be restricted by rank. It would even give low ranks something to work twards, like grinding to rank ten to try germany in ww2 for example.
We are not the same- I am a Martian.
As far as Dave's administration goes, I'm not going to go out and scream "Dave ruined atWar" or anything, but it feels like he hasn't really done anything decisive... I don't know how much time he's investing on improving the game, but it doesn't seem to bear any fruit. To being with, the two requests/suggestions I've made to him since he bought the game (Namely, an advanced tutorial and fixing the maps that are currently unplayable due to errors) were, from my point of view, thoroughly ignored. He tried to adds some strats but, really, do people truly care about new strats? Who was truly excited about learning that insurgency or that industrial whatever came out?
I appreciate your feedback and I understand where you are coming from, but this is exactly the kind of thing that frustrates the hell out of me.
1) Do you know how many "requests/suggestions" have been shared with me since I bought the game? I've lost count. Many that I agree will be done (if they haven't already), but it fucking takes time. Just because you don't see it happen overnight, does NOT mean you were ignored.
It only takes a few seconds for someone to offer a "suggestion", but it takes a lot more than that to actually develop it, and people just don't understand this. I have enough "suggestions" already for probably the next 2-3 years of development.
2) Specific to the ideas you mentioned -- I'm working on the tutorial because I agree it's one of the problems why we have low new user retention, and I've been fixing maps this whole time. Unfortunately fixing maps is a painstakingly slow process, because there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Every map that's bugged is bugged in different ways. Sometimes I can fix it really quickly, sometimes it takes fucking hours, sometimes it's so bad I can't figure it out at all. I've spent literally hours fixing maps for people, and I know the people I've been able to fix them for appreciate it. I'll probably be fixing maps for years at this rate.
3) Now I do get why you would think nothing is happening, because so much of what I've had to do is behind the scenes. Fixing maps, server issues, improving mod tools, the new help system and supporter chat, fixing bugs, hacks, and exploits, DDoS attacks, just to name some. But unless/until there's a big new shiny button for everyone to see, most people wouldn't know what I'm doing.
4) ...which is why I started adding strats. They are easy to do, and it's something obvious that everyone can see and play around with. They're just a distraction to keep everyone happy while I'm busy working on more important things! I don't really think adding strats will magically save atwar, although some people were genuinely excited about them so it wasn't a bad thing.
So anyway, I understand why people might think nothing has changed, but I'm working my ass off as fast as I can and I wish people would just be patient. (And if the certain losers out there that keep trying to hack the site got a life, maybe this would all go a little faster....)
Edit: I'm not really mad, but re-reading what I said sounds like I am. I'm just frustrated.
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

Hope you'll push that game in steam. Amok and Ivan have rejected this several times, because they wouldn't share their revenue. But steam has tens of thousands of potential customers when I look at the games like EU4 or HOI4.
Yes, I want to do this. I'm not ignoring the idea. But it will be many months before this is possible, because there are so many other things that need to be fixed first.
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

Написано Dave, 17.07.2019 at 14:49
Hope you'll push that game in steam. Amok and Ivan have rejected this several times, because they wouldn't share their revenue. But steam has tens of thousands of potential customers when I look at the games like EU4 or HOI4.
Yes, I want to do this. I'm not ignoring the idea. But it will be many months before this is possible, because there are so many other things that need to be fixed first.
Needs several years of development to fix several bugs and mechanics, otherwise would flop in steam.
Написано Dave, 17.07.2019 at 14:49
Hope you'll push that game in steam. Amok and Ivan have rejected this several times, because they wouldn't share their revenue. But steam has tens of thousands of potential customers when I look at the games like EU4 or HOI4.
Yes, I want to do this. I'm not ignoring the idea. But it will be many months before this is possible, because there are so many other things that need to be fixed first.
Needs several years of development to fix several bugs and mechanics, otherwise would flop in steam.
>several years
More like 6 months
Написано Dave, 17.07.2019 at 14:47
It is good to hear that you are actually doing things and making progress and improving the game, but well, that's the thing, it is good to hear it, and now's the first time we hear of any of that...
As a note, when it comes to maps, could we get a log on which ones have actually been restored since? Most people, myself included, have completely discarded any map that's been suffering from errors, it's not like people regularly check on them to know when they're back.
Someone Better Than You
It is good to hear that you are actually doing things and making progress and improving the game, but well, that's the thing, it is good to hear it, and now's the first time we hear of any of that...
I don't know if maybe you've seen it already but I have been keeping an Updates Log: https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=39941. I don't record every little gnats ass update or thing I do, but it does cover the highlights....
As a note, when it comes to maps, could we get a log on which ones have actually been restored since? Most people, myself included, have completely discarded any map that's been suffering from errors, it's not like people regularly check on them to know when they're back.
A reasonable request. I haven't been keeping a log of maps I've fixed but I can go back and try to figure it out (or most of them). When I have a chance I'll do this and start a log for that.
If I forget.... please remind me
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

Написано Dave, 17.07.2019 at 14:49
Hope you'll push that game in steam. Amok and Ivan have rejected this several times, because they wouldn't share their revenue. But steam has tens of thousands of potential customers when I look at the games like EU4 or HOI4.
Yes, I want to do this. I'm not ignoring the idea. But it will be many months before this is possible, because there are so many other things that need to be fixed first.
Needs several years of development to fix several bugs and mechanics, otherwise would flop in steam.
I'm not sure if it would take a year or 2 or maybe 3, but your point is exactly right. If we put it on steam today it would flop, but once we get it fixed up it could be a very good thing.
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

Написано Tundy, 17.07.2019 at 16:47
Needs several years of development to fix several bugs and mechanics, otherwise would flop in steam.
>several years
More like 6 months
I stand corrected. I was unaware our resident software engineer Tunder had reviewed our codebase. Since he's 10x the developer I am, he'll fix all our problems in no time. This is truly a great day for atWar!
That's enough for this thread. Locked.
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu
