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Сообщения: 2   Посещен: 21 users
23.07.2020 - 09:44
Bug report:
Expected behavior:
Being able to unload units from naval transport when its not docked, this works on Air transport when the Air transport is not fully on land
but it doesnt work with naval transports
Actual behavior:
The units box doesnt exist thats why units in undocked naval transport cant be unloaded like when u play on pc
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Being on the phone
Browser: Chrome
Browser version: Latest version
23.07.2020 - 21:09
 Dave (Админ)
That's not a bug. You are not allowed to unload units from a naval transport without being docked.

(I'm aware of the issue allowing desktop users to unload without being docked, and it will be fixed, don't worry...)
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

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