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Сообщения: 4   Посещен: 47 users


Where are they coming from?

It's the Russian commies
It's obviously the jews, fukn jewtube...
It's them dem commies from the US
It's the orange fella from the US
Idk, but it's freaky and suspicious

Всего голосов: 11
18.10.2020 - 14:50
If you've been on YouTube for the past few weeks, months or years. You most likely seen lots of fake YouTube accounts, spamming viruses, conspiracies, political issues/videos and bumping news channels and youtuber "news" channels.

Where exactly are they coming from and why are they exploding everywhere from YouTube, twitter and Facebook and all spamming the same content?
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU is an Absolute! Long Live The Forth Realm! Long Live Europe!*
19.10.2020 - 12:13
Congradulations! you just won the internet
20.10.2020 - 14:42
Tbh. A lot of them are just private people making a few accounts. some for trolling and others for privacy. also companies out there will create thousands of accounts and sell views, subscribers, likes, and shares to creators. and with the company aspect people can pay them to post comments and inflammatory remarks on media to spread a message.
21.10.2020 - 07:45
How can an account be fake, if it is CREATED and USED... stupid... Fake account means there is no account, hence no activity on it, just a lie spread around. Problem is, it is not used how you like it, so you label it.

This overly used incorrect word triggers me, can we ban F word?
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
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