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Сообщения: 4   Посещен: 36 users
27.02.2011 - 09:52
Make units Dig in every turn makeing them have a better Defence also add bunker or missile silo. this protects infintry or anti air units unless they are taken out first then have no effect. Othere Non Movable units would be cool to to make game more strategic.
Where's the BEEF!
28.02.2011 - 09:43
Be more specific, this sound a bit like the tower/trench idea in other thread
"If you can accept losing, you can't win." ~ Vince Lombardi
28.02.2011 - 13:33
Urlander idea is not that bad, but I think the def lines and the city bonus are the way the game deals with the defensive bonus.
28.02.2011 - 20:19
Im talking about pill box's,trenches,barbed wire,Walls,misile silo,guard towers things that dont move but add to your strength for example.
Pill box +1 to infentry defence
Trench -1 to attacking tank attack
Mistle silo mistles get hit only after tanks and infentry are remove by attacking ground units or air units cant hit them
Barbed wire defending infentry get 1 free attack
things like that are needed there additions that make it posible to have a smaller country and hold out against overwelming odds.
also i put a New post together to explain it again to help better explain things.
Where's the BEEF!
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