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Сообщения: 7   Посещен: 64 users
27.03.2011 - 11:24
Okay, I have a couple of ideas i came up with while sleeping. First:

I have noticed that there are about 90+ pages of users in the memberlists who have not been online in over 60 days. I propose that users who have not come online in 60 or more days not show up in the memberlist (read: not get deleted or anything, just not show up on the list.) I believe this would be a good idea due to the fact that the memberlist would be more dynamic in ranking players.

I have also noticed that there are now 8 pages worth of ideas and suggestions, most of which are outdated and/or redudent. I propose that threads which have not had a reply in 30 days are deleted from the list of threads. This would not apply to the news and blogpost section, though.

27.03.2011 - 12:00
Yes! Do it, good idea, etc. etc. etc.
27.03.2011 - 13:20
I think its good to have the old threads, even if they are out dated or redundant, for players to look through. We might benefit from an Archive forum where we could move them to or something though.
27.03.2011 - 17:58
The archive forum idea would work as well.
28.03.2011 - 18:14
The forum here is relatively small, and all threads with new responses automatically move to the top and are marked. I don't see how the presence of the older threads matters at all.
29.03.2011 - 00:18
Yes a posible arcive would be great
Where's the BEEF!
29.03.2011 - 02:36
Might be a good idea, it is annoying when people bump up a old thread to discuss something when most of the information is out of date. peopl can quickly get a wrong impression.
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