Купи премиум версию чтобы скрыть рекламы
Сообщения: 1   Посещен: 72 users
27.08.2013 - 09:08
Seriously, I can't start a damn game anymore. I don't get it. Nobody joins. These damn UN games take players and I'm quite fed up with this bullcrap. I JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN. I MAKE GOOD GAMES, LIKE 3k WORLD GAMES AND POPULAR SCENARIOS. This morning I started a good scenario when there were 50 freaking people in the freaking lobby, and not a single damn person joined because herp derp "Come play my faggy UN game" in Global.

It's either people are too effing beta to play with me and/or stupid UN games steal players.

TJM !!!
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