This issue is dedicated to Nero <3
You sure that's all the new mods?
Congrats Acquiesce

That's one way of putting it...
Nero Сообщения: 3756 От: USA
Написано Crow, 26.11.2017 at 07:36
This issue is dedicated to Nero <3

Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
Funny how u dont ask my side but happy to write about it like its conclusive... maybe the fact I done loads for him outside of atwar (sending him business for his website company) and this game, whilst only responding to threats and abuse in the same manner as recieved, i.e. talking to others the same way i am spomen to. thats enough for him to demote me without even saying thank you and ignoring everything good i done for him, they are a pair of ignorant ungrateful jerks, who afterreverything diddnt even give me a chance to explain and humiliate me in front off the whole community. i would advise anybody not to do anything for these ungrateful idiots who think they can treat people like shit, just because they built a half decent game. but yea keep sucking up see where it gets you  #NoRespect
note: i couldnt care less about being demoted, i care about the respect or lack of shown by ivan and his brother
furthermore, it was me constantly messaging amok about the ddos attacks and if i didnt probably the game would be down for days, probablt still now...
it was me who insisted ivan makes the referral program and encouraged vladracovita to join it, he was against it at first, but thats the thanks i get isnt it. Unbelievable really, thats the leveel of appreciation and what we dealing with here.
oh yea as fkr the season ending who pushed hard in the first place to even have clan elo instead of that even worse clan points system? oh yea... me
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Написано Ivan, 26.11.2017 at 12:31

What are you afraid of, why did you delete the support to Sun Tsu thread, keeep treating people like mugs who have helped you.
also, you want to 'air dirtty laundry' we can all do that.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Someones triggered heh
ofc hes triggered. We dont know everthing that happend btw them but what i heard from sun doesnt sound fair
Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
--Les Brown
Написано Sun Tsu, 29.11.2017 at 20:00
Написано Ivan, 26.11.2017 at 12:31

What are you afraid of, why did you delete the support to Sun Tsu thread, keeep treating people like mugs who have helped you.
also, you want to 'air dirtty laundry' we can all do that.
It's not deleted, I just moved it to the Mod forums for now, because you kept promoting it, and we really don't need all this drama on the front page. What do you want from us, Sun? I've already acknowledged that we're grateful for your contributions, but you just can't be an admin anymore.
Написано Ivan, 30.11.2017 at 02:53
Написано Sun Tsu, 29.11.2017 at 20:00
Написано Ivan, 26.11.2017 at 12:31

What are you afraid of, why did you delete the support to Sun Tsu thread, keeep treating people like mugs who have helped you.
also, you want to 'air dirtty laundry' we can all do that.
I've already acknowledged that we're grateful for your contributions.
When was that Ivan? - sheer arrogance. was that when you demoted me with just a sentance and refused to engage or have any form of rational communication? The amount of abuse i took off this toxic community, then you demote me as soon as i give a little back, qithout showing me any screenshot or engaging with me., yet you are happy to post a manipulated screenshot in the publc forum of a biased exchange of dialouge. you really are next level. Denial & Delusion are not great traits.
I dont care about being demoted and was going to resign numerous times over the past 18 months, if it wasnt for the number of players asking me to stay then i woild of done, what I care about is respect and the way you treat me., whilst offering no guidance and sttucture and disappearing for months on end letting me pick up the slack, reigning i over zealous mods, reloading maps daily, dealing with players payment problems, etc etc. You think i enjoyed doing that for free?
Doesnt want drama on the front page - Allows post containing an innaccurate 3 paragraph diatribe about me and furthermore thumbs it up (on the front page). Of course... you dont want drama lol
This is never about being demoted from your shitty admin position, this is about your total lack of respect and appreciation. Once upon a time I thought you were a smart man.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Написано Crow, 30.11.2017 at 06:08

further enhancing my rehtoric, thank you.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Написано Sun Tsu, 30.11.2017 at 06:15
Написано Crow, 30.11.2017 at 06:08

further enhancing my rehtoric, thank you.
I'm sorry, I would've contacted you about the situation but I thought you were either banned or gone for good so made my own conclusion. What part of the story is inaccurate and needs adjusting?
Написано Crow, 30.11.2017 at 06:18
Написано Sun Tsu, 30.11.2017 at 06:15
Написано Crow, 30.11.2017 at 06:08

further enhancing my rehtoric, thank you.
I'm sorry, I would've contacted you about the situation but I thought you were either banned or gone for good so made my own conclusion. What part of the story is inaccurate and needs adjusting?
A few things, if you are that interstesd pr me.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
When common sense eludes us, insanity will proceed in its place. Thank you sun tzu, but taking bribes is an aweful offence, and if that's not what happened please correct that rhetoric. I saw what you where doing, I never said anything because I don't think you like me but I admired your work from afar. Best of luck in your future endeavors.
We are not the same- I am a Martian.