Haha it is going to take a while to adjust. it looks awsome tho
i know there's an answer i just don't know what it is yet
I am part of the 70%. Good job Ivan
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
Like it a lot, too.
Although I don't like change that much. (^_~)
But the new look is quite stylish and suits the theme of Afterwind.
There's one thing I have to comment, though: While the "register and play button" is very good for new subscribers, it has no use at all for the ones who already have an account; we still have to click on "login" on top of the page. Before we had an extra button (there were the green "play" and the red "register" ones); that might not be quite necessary, but I wonder it it might be possible to forward already registered users to the game instead of the registration screen.
Versão brasileira: Herbert Richers.
Hmm, nice idea but it's strange somehow. Is it supposed to look like this:
All this links should be like before (one next to each other) and not one below another.
It looks good but too much headspace is wasted on the forums.
Hmm, nice idea but it's strange somehow. Is it supposed to look like this:
All this links should be like before (one next to each other) and not one below another.
No, it's not supposed to look like that  You need to clear your browser's cache (Ctrl+F5 in IE and Chrome).
Oh, yeah lol. Sorry, didn't see it. It's great now.
I like this new design the other one didnt really make me want to play this game but i was bored so thats why i made my account
"Austria the shield and Prussia the sword!" Too bad that they are attached to the wrong arm: The right one holds the defiantly gli stening shield, and the left one is supposed to wield the sword"
-Franz Grillparzer, Prussian Officer
Won't take long for me to get used to it, I think it is a nice layout for the website.
When I first saw this I almost spazzed out due to not knowing it was changed. (I got a welcome surpise)
I like stuff.... Yay?
Oh good I had that weird glitch shown in the ss, looks fine now
Написано Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10 Fruit's theory is correct
Написано tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04 Fruit is right

So, uhh, it causes things? Not of understandings...
There's one thing I have to comment, though: While the "register and play button" is very good for new subscribers, it has no use at all for the ones who already have an account; we still have to click on "login" on top of the page. Before we had an extra button (there were the green "play" and the red "register" ones); that might not be quite necessary, but I wonder it it might be possible to forward already registered users to the game instead of the registration screen.
This; a player can only register once and I recognise you want to make it newbie-friendly, but a login button should be there as well.
Also, please leave "Launch the game unchecked by default. The "launch game" button on the front page is sufficiently distinctive anyway.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
Написано YOBA, 08.12.2011 at 08:47
So, uhh, it causes things? Not of understandings...
This; a player can only register once and I recognise you want to make it newbie-friendly, but a login button should be there as well.
Also, please leave "Launch the game unchecked by default. The "launch game" button on the front page is sufficiently distinctive anyway.
Thanks for the correction  I had the same idea for the form on the front page, but haven't managed to integrate the login option there without creating a clutter. Will keep trying.
I get this JS error when I click on the image in the second slide (covers Gameplay and Features).
The images need to be updated by the way, they are seriously outdated--particularly the screenshots of combat.
Also, I think you should definitely promote the fact that there are no hexes that restrict your movement or anything like that in Afterwind.
Lastly, can the banner be removed from the forum pages? It's rather annoying. Look at the LifeHacker website for instance, it encapsulates all current thought on website design. It's not perfect but all the elements are there. The content should be presented at the very top of the page, with some content sidelined in favour of other. Banners should be small and menus must be as unobtrusive as possible.
For the front page and the other ones (not forums or coalition/player pages), the banner is excellent and looks really awesome. But for the forums, it is just annoying.
By the way, it would be nice if you could remove the massive gap between the name of the game and the very top of the page. You may be planning to insert ads there which most web designers would warn against (as far as placement goes). But until then, that massive gap means for a lot of unnecessary scrolling on my 1280*1024-resolution monitor. Pic is related:
Написано Ivan, 08.12.2011 at 09:19 Написано YOBA, 08.12.2011 at 08:47 A player can only register once and I recognise you want to make it newbie-friendly, but a login button should be there as well.
Also, please leave "Launch the game unchecked by default. The "launch game" button on the front page is sufficiently distinctive anyway.
Thanks for the correction I had the same idea for the form on the front page, but haven't managed to integrate the login option there without creating a clutter. Will keep trying.
Why not just do things the conventional way and have a separate page for registrations?
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
Yoba's opinions are irrelevant, the new design is actually 6/5.
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
Написано YOBA, 08.12.2011 at 11:06
Fixed the missing image - forgot to upload it.
Normally, I tend to choose usability over design excesses, but in the end, this website is not a blog - its function is to impress and provide additional visuals to the game. So I'm planning to keep the header on the forum - without it the site will look terribly plain and colorless. Besides, it's only 200px. As for the space above the logo - it's not for the banners, just a bit of breathing space - I felt it was necessary. I might contract it a bit, though.
Anyway, thanks for providing you ideas!
I like that gap above the banner actually, maybe if it's little smaller only. The whole webpage is much better than before.
Only thing that bugs me is the banner on the forum, it is "cut off", can you adjust the picture a little? That soldier really miss his head, and the explosion from nuclear bomb (or whatever) should be whole.
Написано Ivan, 08.12.2011 at 12:15
Normally, I tend to choose usability over design excesses, but in the end, this website is not a blog - its function is to impress and provide additional visuals to the game. So I'm planning to keep the header on the forum - without it the site will look terribly plain and colorless. Besides, it's only 200px. As for the space above the logo - it's not for the banners, just a bit of breathing space - I felt it was necessary. I might contract it a bit, though.
Just what I wanted to say. It reminds you what kind of game you're playing.
No, seriously, a disabling option would be practical so we don't have to scroll that much, but actually it's quite nice. Somewhat of a pause between different posts where you can admire the view for a second before yon continue social interaction.
Versão brasileira: Herbert Richers.
Написано Ivan, 08.12.2011 at 12:15
Normally, I tend to choose usability over design excesses, but in the end, this website is not a blog - its function is to impress and provide additional visuals to the game. So I'm planning to keep the header on the forum - without it the site will look terribly plain and colorless. Besides, it's only 200px. As for the space above the logo - it's not for the banners, just a bit of breathing space - I felt it was necessary. I might contract it a bit, though.
You win this once! But please do contract it slightly. But surely you will agree with me that this... repetition is unnecessary? Pic related.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
I like that gap above the banner actually, maybe if it's little smaller only. The whole webpage is much better than before. 
Only thing that bugs me is the banner on the forum, it is "cut off", can you adjust the picture a little? That soldier really miss his head, and the explosion from nuclear bomb (or whatever) should be whole.
I think this might be intended. And even if it isn't, the effect it has this way is very nice; the combination with the nuclear explosion in the background and the soldier so close you can't even see his head causes quite an impression of distance, especially as the troops are moving away from the explosion as if they were proceeding into battle and leaving conquered ground behind.
Putting the explosion in the middle could, in combination with a change of angle, make the troops look much more impressive, but it would cost that depth, just as would giving the soldier his head back.
Versão brasileira: Herbert Richers.
You can get depth of the field without cutting the actual picture, you see some soldiers/tanks are closer than the others.
Im not sure about you guys, but I already love it.
Написано YOBA, 08.12.2011 at 12:57
You win this once! But please do contract it slightly. But surely you will agree with me that this... repetition is unnecessary? Pic related.
Not necessary, just forgot to remove it. Let me know if you encounter it anywhere else.
Only thing that bugs me is the banner on the forum, it is "cut off", can you adjust the picture a little? That soldier really miss his head, and the explosion from nuclear bomb (or whatever) should be whole.
Doesn't bother me so much. This was done to implement the header in the most practical way - by reusing the front page picture. This way the page doesn't need to load yet another big image and just uses the one already in the cache.
Garde Сообщения: 2842 От: Canada
Ivan, I applaud the awesome new site design. This is really weird though, because 3 days ago I had a dream where AW looked different lol...anyways, the only thing that bothers me is that the background color for the forum still seems a little bland/watery (I like the surreal-water look, just seems like it should be updated with it, yes i'am weird...but you definitely already know this  )
Oh, and the all caps on post buttons seem a little weird...maybe make the color a little lighter/dimmer? idk, probably just me.
After looking at it for a bit I like everything with the change except for the font, but luckily I can change it.
Написано Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10 Fruit's theory is correct
Написано tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04 Fruit is right
The layout itself is nice. everything seems more organized and I'm glad you kept the color scheme and good general features (top players, etc). the only thing that really bothers me is the banner (which I personally don't like at all), and the font of the words. the rest looks vry nice though, and the forums look really good with the revamp. I just dislike the banner and the font
I was banned for your sins
VAGlJESUS ["I love me some KFC"]
It looks very nice, i'm gonna be part of the 70% here. Keep up the good work.
The sign-up form on the front page now allows to login as well - just click on the login in "Sign-up / Login" or select it in the 'action' drop-down box.
If the form doesn't switch between login/register, you have old Javascript file in browser cache. Refresh with Ctrl+F5 (might need a couple of times).
Also, contracted the space above the logo a bit.
You can get depth of the field without cutting the actual picture, you see some soldiers/tanks are closer than the others.
You can, but doing it this way even increases the already existing effect. (^_~)
Obviously you have to get used to it first, but then it's just awesome.
Versão brasileira: Herbert Richers.
Написано Ivan, 09.12.2011 at 02:52
The sign-up form on the front page now allows to login as well - just click on the login in "Sign-up / Login" or select it in the 'action' drop-down box.
But I still get redirected to the login page even after filling in name and password. Really logging in would be better...
Versão brasileira: Herbert Richers.
Soooo... where's amok?
Garde Сообщения: 2842 От: Canada
Soooo... where's amok?
Unpacking data, fighting Tron, things programmers do.
Написано Garde, 09.12.2011 at 20:43
Soooo... where's amok?
Unpacking data, fighting Tron, things programmers do.
you have no idea what programmers do, do you?
Написано Ivan, 09.12.2011 at 02:52
The sign-up form on the front page now allows to login as well - just click on the login in "Sign-up / Login" or select it in the 'action' drop-down box.

But I still get redirected to the login page even after filling in name and password. Really logging in would be better... 
Probably means you still have old javascript in cache. You're only supposed to be redirected to the login page if your username/password are incorrect.
Garde Сообщения: 2842 От: Canada
Написано Garde, 09.12.2011 at 20:43
Soooo... where's amok?
Unpacking data, fighting Tron, things programmers do.
you have no idea what programmers do, do you?
Duh, they drive lightcycle's and crush Clu's hopes and dreams of perfection!
Написано Ivan, 10.12.2011 at 02:48
Probably means you still have old javascript in cache. You're only supposed to be redirected to the login page if your username/password are incorrect.
I cleared my cache several times. I even cleared my complete chronicles (including entered form data and stuff), just to make sure, but it still doesn't work properly. Is there some special cache for Java or something?
Versão brasileira: Herbert Richers.
Login form on the front page has been changed to the one we had in the old version.
Написано Ivan, 13.12.2011 at 11:39
Login form on the front page has been changed to the one we had in the old version.
Noticed and liked.
But I still get redirected to the login page first.
Is it just me or does anyone else have that problem, too?
Versão brasileira: Herbert Richers.
Noticed and liked. 
But I still get redirected to the login page first.
Is it just me or does anyone else have that problem, too?
Implemented a possible solution. Please check if it helped.
Написано Ivan, 13.12.2011 at 14:54
Implemented a possible solution. Please check if it helped.
Yes, it did! Launching the game directly and logging in now both work properly for me, thanks. (^_^)
And now, with logging in working and the new interface with the old handling, I'm perfectly happy with the new design.
Thanks, great job!
Versão brasileira: Herbert Richers.
I really dislike how access to the coalition page is now made trough that pop-down menu, while such sections as "units", "FAQ" and "players" have open links. I assume everyone visits his clan's page more often than he looks through the unit list or read FAQ, so why not to make it more ergonomic and place it among other open links?
Sorry if someone has said it already, didn't read the whole thread.
Написано Ska-boo, 19.12.2011 at 09:19
I really dislike how access to the coalition page is now made trough that pop-down menu, while such sections as "units", "FAQ" and "players" have open links. I assume everyone visits his clan's page more often than he looks through the unit list or read FAQ, so why not to make it more ergonomic and place it among other open links?
Sorry if someone has said it already, didn't read the whole thread.
Nobody did.
But you're right, although "really dislike" is a bit too much. I also would like that, but it's not like I would demand it to be changed. It's all right like that; if it's not changed fine, if it is, great. (^_^)
(Yes, I noticed I actually said "like" four times in three sentences... (O_o) )
Versão brasileira: Herbert Richers.
I'm very sorry to say this Ivan, but the site looks absolutely horrible in a text browser and is extremely unwieldy to guide around!
The browser is Lynx on Windows with curses. I have to use it because normal browsers are slow as shit on public Wi-Fi.
(pages 1-3)
(page 6)
There's lot more shitty design to bitch about as far as accessibility with a text browser is concerned like the annoying search box at the top of the forums (which are actually pretty decent-looking!), but this has to be sorted out first.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved