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Сообщение от Ivan, 17.06.2011 - 01:38
So, lately I've heard some complaints about the local "trolls" - let's see how bad the situation is.


What do you think of the game's community?

Great people here
It's alright
Not very fond of it
Terribly annoying

Всего голосов: 574
02.07.2014 - 18:09
Написано Leafgreen, 19.02.2014 at 11:36

Moderation is worthless though. More warnings handed out and they could cut it in half. Seems like they are observant, when there are any on, but have no power to do anything other than a weak 'hey, stop that...' after you watch 2 hours of chat.

Funny, bet I can't post here what we see in 5m of chat in the main room.

Well this community is far less toxic than the LoL or DotA communities
02.07.2014 - 19:49
I have met some nice people but generally the amount of profane, nasty and vulgar language I see in the chat rooms really make it suck. And this happens even when mods are logged in and active in the chat room. I have seen mods erase their on discussion with a player while another player is being downright rude and nasty to everyone in the chat room and nothing happens to them or their chat. Hmmmmm? Why? What happened to be polite to other players? Shouldn't there be a line that should not be crossed? A zero tolerance for impolite, and nasty behavior? Because I have not seen one. Players pretty much get away with murder until someone starts crying, I feel it's ridiculous. And I don't feel mods truly take their job seriously. They agreed to moderate and they need to do a better job, without players having to do it for them, aka report. Mods seem to feel we players should do their job and report bad behavior. Well if I did that, I would spend more time doing that then playing the game. And I didn't get a premium account to put up with impolite nasty behavior or to moderate it. I have been in other communities that have a chat filter. It removes words deemed unusable or inappropriate in chat by the developers/admins or whoever is running the game, automatically. While yes people get creative, which means they actually start using their brains, imagine that, and find ways around it but on a whole it does keep alot of trash talk out of the chats. I also find it disturbing and offensive that fag and N***er are acceptable words to be used in chat, the forums and even players names. Where is the line? When is enough, enough?
"The edge is never very far away, when you're hanging on by your fingernails." ©
02.07.2014 - 20:10
Написано Warmonger Dak, 02.07.2014 at 19:49

I have met some nice people but generally the amount of profane, nasty and vulgar language I see in the chat rooms really make it suck. And this happens even when mods are logged in and active in the chat room. I have seen mods erase their on discussion with a player while another player is being downright rude and nasty to everyone in the chat room and nothing happens to them or their chat. Hmmmmm? Why? What happened to be polite to other players? Shouldn't there be a line that should not be crossed? A zero tolerance for impolite, and nasty behavior? Because I have not seen one. Players pretty much get away with murder until someone starts crying, I feel it's ridiculous. And I don't feel mods truly take their job seriously. They agreed to moderate and they need to do a better job, without players having to do it for them, aka report. Mods seem to feel we players should do their job and report bad behavior. Well if I did that, I would spend more time doing that then playing the game. And I didn't get a premium account to put up with impolite nasty behavior or to moderate it. I have been in other communities that have a chat filter. It removes words deemed unusable or inappropriate in chat by the developers/admins or whoever is running the game, automatically. While yes people get creative, which means they actually start using their brains, imagine that, and find ways around it but on a whole it does keep alot of trash talk out of the chats. I also find it disturbing and offensive that fag and N***er are acceptable words to be used in chat, the forums and even players names. Where is the line? When is enough, enough?

what a fucking crybaby.such dramatic wowe.you get offended by the word fag or nigger, boy?what are you 10?if so, stop posting on internet forums.if not, you are pathetic.actually, stay off the internet in general, cause internet is for people who want to express themselfs freely and not live like damn sheep robots.
02.07.2014 - 20:26

what a fucking crybaby.such dramatic wowe.you get offended by the word fag or nigger, boy?what are you 10?if so, stop posting on internet forums.if not, you are pathetic.actually, stay off the internet in general, cause internet is for people who want to express themselfs freely and not live like damn sheep robots.

Thank you for giving me a prime example of what I was discussing. And if you want to express yourself freely and not live like a sheep robot, then get off the internet, otherwise you are just another line of code in the web of the net. And this game is not about free expression, it's a game about war. If you want free expression, there are other sites for that. Meanwhile in my understanding, this sites about playing a game.
"The edge is never very far away, when you're hanging on by your fingernails." ©
03.07.2014 - 03:53
Написано Warmonger Dak, 02.07.2014 at 20:26

what a fucking crybaby.such dramatic wowe.you get offended by the word fag or nigger, boy?what are you 10?if so, stop posting on internet forums.if not, you are pathetic.actually, stay off the internet in general, cause internet is for people who want to express themselfs freely and not live like damn sheep robots.

Thank you for giving me a prime example of what I was discussing. And if you want to express yourself freely and not live like a sheep robot, then get off the internet, otherwise you are just another line of code in the web of the net. And this game is not about free expression, it's a game about war. If you want free expression, there are other sites for that. Meanwhile in my understanding, this sites about playing a game.

what example would that be?i ve helped and trained more low ranks than double or triple all the games you ve played and so many other high ranks have done so, also.and let me tell you that is not happening in any other game i ve played.free expression belongs everywhere, you are trying to take away my right to call waffel a fag here and its not right.if i want to call him or you a fag, its my right to do so.You cant baby-proof this game or the whole internet for that matter, or everything would be fucking boring.
03.07.2014 - 05:08
Написано Warmonger Dak, 02.07.2014 at 20:26

And this game is not about free expression, it's a game about war. If you want free expression, there are other sites for that. Meanwhile in my understanding, this sites about playing a game.

You are plain retarded. If there were no people like you, we would not need to use insults. Fucking retard.
08.07.2014 - 08:25
There are enough ways to make a point without calling anybody a retard, a fag or fucktard. No matter where you are and what you do. It is called common decency and/or being grown up. Spilling some nasty words here doesn't make you right, nor illustrates your point. The fact that I'm even replying makes me feel stupid because everybody knows: Never argue with an idiot, for he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. So please, beat me with your experience.
16.07.2014 - 15:45
Xenophobic xD

There are assholes in every rank ...funny thing is, when i had a huge enemy list that i was puting people on since i started playing, out of 50+ people i only had 2 high ranks there and everyone else were lower ranks (i enemy listed people only if they were rude, assholes, traitors, insulting etc.)

Btw. one just has to look at Captain Rex posts to see that he is one of the most rude, foul mouthed persons ever seen in this game ...ranksist
16.07.2014 - 21:34
@Captain Rex (and Critical)
Deleted some of your threads. Lets just keep it in a mannered way. Shall we?!
24.07.2014 - 01:03
It is scary to look back at 2011 posts about how bad the community is and then look here and laugh at how wrong they were. It has gotten so much worse apparently.
29.07.2014 - 19:21
Написано Columna Durruti, 16.07.2014 at 21:34

@Captain Rex (and Critical)
Deleted some of your threads. Lets just keep it in a mannered way. Shall we?!

Screw manners *begins some weird autism chant*, (you then realise the weird chant is....) PRAISE ZIZOU

31.07.2014 - 11:49
01.08.2014 - 13:40
 brianwl (Админ)
The community is a reflection of its members. Everyone has an ignore button, so if you don't use it, it's difficult to understand why anyone would want to listen to someone being abusive. At times I've had a few especially offensive players that continue to make comments (maybe to others in a chat room) after ignoring. The coalition leaders are generally effective at dealing with their members in this situation, and if they are not a part of a coalition, then the mods have been good at putting an end to it. Our community accepts sociopaths and respectful people alike. If you consider yourself the latter, the developers have given you the tools to deal with the former.

02.08.2014 - 13:23
It's alright!
02.08.2014 - 17:02
Well, i prefer having a few racists and weird people over having an community consisting of 9 y olds who scream their mics

03.08.2014 - 01:32
Написано Tirpitz406, 02.08.2014 at 17:02

Well, i prefer having a few racists and weird people over having an community consisting of 9 y olds who scream their mics

atwar with mics would be so funny
04.08.2014 - 07:11
05.08.2014 - 22:36
Generally i like it. except i hate it when a noob trolls a game, wallfucks, or leaves and ruins a game. im fine with a little political talk, but when you start acting like you are better than everyone, i feel i have to tell myself they think they are at some bavarian beer hall in 1920's germany. i have met some great people here though. a few have left the game for whatever reason and it does sadden me but for the most part, i have fun coming here. i enjoy (most) the people i enjoy the community and so long as you dont wf, you dont troll or leave, or be a noob (a hem, tht means no RP 24/7, a little in moderation i guess is okay). the only complaint i have are the sore losers..... twice i have had to dealt with people whom i won against and they trolled me with messages on pr or game and basically said "bla bla bla, i am better, bla bla bla i wasnt even trying bla bla bla i am GOD". it gets annoying though sometimes comical like when someone my own rank says "i cant believe i lost to you". im just like "wtf. this si first time i have ever met you". its times like that i wish we were better strangers, tht the ignore button worked as a spectator and tht i will always cherish the original misconception i had about the nub.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
18.08.2014 - 17:26
mod power for weaken
ban4 admin agreement
inbe4 mods delete the message because they dont like it
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
22.08.2014 - 13:49
Its bla.

25.08.2014 - 06:16
I believe for the most part its very good. There are only few players that are consistently not following the rules and like to cause problems for other players.
26.08.2014 - 09:46
Написано Cthulhu, 25.08.2014 at 06:16

I believe for the most part its very good. There are only few players that are consistently not following the rules and like to cause problems for other players.

26.08.2014 - 10:21
Аккаунт удален
Написано Your Mother, 02.08.2014 at 13:23

It's alright!
28.08.2014 - 13:49
Написано Mauzer Panteri, 22.08.2014 at 13:49

Its bla.

Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
25.03.2015 - 08:24
16.09.2016 - 11:44
1. This is a 5 year old thread.
2. You are definitely exaggerating. Not gonna name anything here, but this isn't the most toxic. Not even close xD

18.09.2016 - 09:47
I've been involved deeply within other communities and i can say that atwar is probably one of the better ones

Not the best one but its okay, not that toxic except for a few people.
06.01.2017 - 04:32
Аккаунт удален
This game is fine..the trollers are scared.of.kingjim thats why they stay inactive
06.01.2017 - 10:35
If people would stop noob bullying maybe more great players would come in instead of leaving first thing.

P.S. I spent a whole game pressuring people not to attack a rank 1...i actually had to start murdering someone to pressure them enough into stopping their attack.

06.01.2017 - 16:14
Написано LukeTan, 06.01.2017 at 10:35

If people would stop noob bullying maybe more great players would come in instead of leaving first thing.

P.S. I spent a whole game pressuring people not to attack a rank 1...i actually had to start murdering someone to pressure them enough into stopping their attack.

Do you know what i condition to get into best fighting schools ?
They do not ask you for your record and all that shit. No, you come there, say "I would like to join" then they put you in with some beast and that dude beats crap out of you. And you come again, and they give you someone else, and he beats you again, and you come again, and he beats you again. Up until they say, okay, you can come and join us. Atwar is same, you will get better, or you will stop playing.
No such thing as a good girl, you are just not the right guy.

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