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24.02.2013 - 05:41

1st: Lunatis-Safari 1500 Protocoins
What voters said: Perhaps the most strikingly colorful map of them all. Very pretty and looks like a lot of fun to play, considering the names of the places. I like how it is both random and balanced at the same time. Horizontal looping also makes it quite unique.

2nd: Battle for Middle Earth-Talos 1000 Protocoins
What voters said: Creative map from scratch! Is a fantasy world that allows flexibility and lots of space for creativity. Is one of the best maps/scenarios around; at least considering the amount of games played with it.

3rd: Europe atWar-ThomasM 700 Protocoins
What voters said:Underrated map with very systematic scaling of reinforcement and income. Should be the ideal Europe map (large) to play since Utah's. Deserves more acclaim. Did not use multiplier, with borders very accurate.

4th: WWICustom-Unleashed 500 Protocoins
What voters said: Cool World War map; Best Map of the list, but its underrated.

5th: Map of Ice and Fire-Ironail 300 Protocoins
What voters said: It looks like quite some time has been put into making of this map and it definitely paid off. Looks fantastic, love the choice of country & city images.
24.02.2013 - 05:42
OpenSTV version 1.6 (http://www.OpenSTV.org/)

Ballot file contains 5 candidates and 55 ballots.

Counting votes for MMC using Fractional Transfer STV.
5 candidates running for 4 seats.
Using a Hare-Dynamic-Whole threshold.

R|Ironail |Safari |ThomasMer|Talos |Unleashed|Exhausted |Surplus |Threshold
1| 5.000000| 24.000000| 9.000000| 10.000000| 7.000000| 0.000000| 10.000000| 14.000000
| Count of first choices. Candidate Lunatis (Safari) has reached the threshold and is elected.
| Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
2| 7.499996| 14.000000| 11.916662| 13.333328| 8.249998| 0.000016| 0.000000| 14.000000
| Count after transferring surplus votes from Lunatis (Safari) with a transfer value of
| 10.000000/24.000000. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and
| their votes transferred for the next round.
3| | 14.000000| 14.749994| 16.999992| 9.249998| 0.000016| 3.749986| 14.000000
| Count after eliminating Map of Ice and Fire (Ironail) and transferring votes. Candidates
| Europe atWar (ThomasMer) and Battle For Middle Earth (Talos) have reached the threshold and
| are elected. Candidate World War I Custom (Unleashed) is elected.

Winners are Lunatis (Safari), Europe atWar (ThomasMer), Battle For Middle Earth (Talos), and World
War I Custom (Unleashed).
24.02.2013 - 05:49
Internal Vote Data: HERE
External Vote Data: HERE

With Thanks to all map/scenario makers who submitted, all internal and external voters.
Especially generous admins gifting protocoins.

This is your organiser Ezzatam signing off, the next season will start in MAY!
24.02.2013 - 06:01
Thx guys for voting Lunatis

24.02.2013 - 06:27
Well done everyone, your ProtoCoins have been deposited!
24.02.2013 - 08:17
Congratz to Safari (and the others)...
24.02.2013 - 09:24
Congratz to the winner that clearly have a huge advantage right after the first turn.

Question # 1: How did you select the 10 votes from the 24 of Safaris votes, you can get 10 votes supporting my map or 10 supporting Talos map as second choice? Did not made a huge research on the methodolgy of this but looks like kinda biased depending of which of safari's 24 votes you selected.

Question # 2: A full list of feedbacks from everyone would be apreciated.

Question #3: Do you think that the result can change depending on how you count the ballots? With a different methodology does the same 3 peopels enter the top 3? If not it could cause problems, no mapmakers was aware that you would use this method. Safari look's like to have a huge advantage. but for the rest the difference isnt big.
24.02.2013 - 12:28
Написано Cardinal Ouellet, 24.02.2013 at 09:24

Question # 1: How did you select the 10 votes from the 24 of Safaris votes, you can get 10 votes supporting my map or 10 supporting Talos map as second choice? Did not made a huge research on the methodolgy of this but looks like kinda biased depending of which of safari's 24 votes you selected.

erm... the transferred votes only had a value of 10/24 (0.416 recurring) and they were distributed according to ALL the second choices.
This method is called Fractional Transfer Single Transferable Vote.
Написано Cardinal Ouellet, 24.02.2013 at 09:24

Question # 2: A full list of feedbacks from everyone would be apreciated.

Not everyone gave reply (people are lazy ) and the comments were mostly compliments anyway.
Написано Cardinal Ouellet, 24.02.2013 at 09:24

Question #3: Do you think that the result can change depending on how you count the ballots? With a different methodology does the same 3 peopels enter the top 3? If not it could cause problems, no mapmakers was aware that you would use this method. Safari look's like to have a huge advantage. but for the rest the difference isnt big.

I could manipulate the methods used, which would only actually change between 4th and 5th. I did say STV would be used in the introductions page. I used Hare-Dynamic-Whole method (which is the standard).
24.02.2013 - 16:39
Thanks for all the clarifications Ezzatam. I see no problems now. Never saw that STV will be used my error.
24.02.2013 - 17:16
Congratz to the winner and thx for everyone who voted for my map.
"Not all those who wander are lost."
-J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
25.02.2013 - 01:51
Great job too all especially Lunatis.
25.02.2013 - 06:51
Congrats Safari and the runners up!
27.02.2013 - 14:09
Congrats Safari,also a Martian in the top 3,well done thomas!

Looks like we have a competitor everywhere
13.05.2013 - 13:13
After looking who voted for who just notice a lot of bias........
14.05.2013 - 01:30
Написано Tundy, 13.05.2013 at 13:13

After looking who voted for who just notice a lot of bias........

Yeah, like you. 1,1,1,1 guy.
14.05.2013 - 07:39
Написано ezzatam, 14.05.2013 at 01:30

Написано Tundy, 13.05.2013 at 13:13

After looking who voted for who just notice a lot of bias........

Yeah, like you. 1,1,1,1 guy.

when u give results of the Spring TournmNet
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